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Commercial Photographs for a website (free or at least quite cheap)


New Member
I am setting up what will eventually be a commercial site about London.

Not living nearby, I need to get a handful of images for use on the site.(scenic shots, perhaps of a few of the main tourist spots)

Looking up free images on Google, brings up vast numbers of msites, but the licence agreements are a bit puzzling to the newcomer.

Even if they are not free, but at least a reasonable cost .. I would be interested. After all, everything can't be free

Any advice would be most welcome.

I suppose I could take an overnight bus or train to London (from Newcastle) and spend the day taking my own photos.

Kind regards !
You could try googling London Public Domain images, or try this site (images are free):
Istockphoto and Shutterstock are my favorite image stocks... But if I were you I would go for a trip when the weather will improve, mixing pleasure with work is cool. :D
I agree with the above advice that if you are considering this, contact the company via contact information you obtain yourself (not from ad). If it's legit, they should appreciate your diligence. If it's a scam, they should be happy to know someone is using their name.