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Trying SEO Signposting
--> what is signposting?
Signposting means to use words to guide a visitor
to do something
my strategy is parts like this
  1. Headline claim
  2. Opening paragraph (with 3 sub claims as detailed below)
    1. Supporting claim 1
      1. Supporting claim 1 sub claim 1
      2. Supporting claim 1 sub claim 2
      3. Supporting claim 1 sub claim 3
  3. CTA 1
    1. Supporting claim 2
      1. Supporting claim 2 sub claim 1
      2. Supporting claim 2 sub claim 2
      3. Supporting claim 2 sub claim 3
  4. CTA 2
    1. Supporting claim 3
      1. Supporting claim 3 sub claim 1
      2. Supporting claim 3 sub claim 2
      3. Supporting claim 3 sub claim 3
  5. CTA 3
  6. Conclusion & CTA 4
Do you do all your own technical work or outsource it?

For a time, I was doing as much of it as I could, but my programming education was largely Visual Basic, .NET, OOP, some SOAP and a little C#. I never did any HTML or Java (a streamlined version of C & C#), or the other popular languages for our online experiences. My education (Syracuse University & top of my class) focus was Client Server Development in Object Oriented Programming (OOP). My primary focus was banking & finance.

I always had to get help with the programming for my marketing and content sites, usually from forums and groups in the beginning until I had enough revenues to get myself part time developer. That was a game changer for me!

How much competitor analysis do your perform?

I do this ritually, almost everyday. My daily rituals include checking out my competitors (most of us know each other). My niches are small, lucrative, and have few competitors as they require a fair amount of knowledge and investment. You're playing the long game with these niches. These niches I am in are not "hit & run" like the CPA portion of my business (around 24%, maybe a bit more).

I do research for the content sites manually, ALWAYS!

I use AdPlexity, Social Ad Scout, and a couple of others for my CPA business. Easy Peasy!

Do you think there is a market for people who want to be James Bond? Meaning an affiliate site with all Bond and spy related products/training programs

It's funny you ask. This was a big topic for a couple of years on the WF a decade ago, maybe more. It was a lively topic as there were several of the members there that were building out lots of funnels with some success. I kind of dropped out of the discussions after a while as it really wasn't my thing.
Seems alot of people want to be Bond
or Bourne or Wick or Equalizer
but not 247 just have some party tricks
and I am thinking mainly gadgets
all dudes I know carry a wallet
how about spy themed wallet gadgets?
or just general spy gadgetry?
needs further research
I do this ritually, almost everyday. My daily rituals include checking out my competitors (most of us know each other). My niches are small, lucrative, and have few competitors as they require a fair amount of knowledge and investment. You're playing the long game with these niches. These niches I am in are not "hit & run" like the CPA portion of my business (around 24%, maybe a bit more).
This level of commitment is rare
So my plan for Q2 Q3 & Q4
--> started with 20 affiliate sites planned
but that is now more like 30 affiliate sites
really I need to stop jumping about and FOCUS
OK so 30 sites is the new portfolio
even that is manageable
--> just need to FOCUS
I feel that affiliate success is so close
real long term sustainable success
all the stars are aligned
and I got all the money and software required
it is just FOCUS now
To my thinking 30 websites each have 20 pages (min) that's 600 pages to keep updated --or complete and forget. Even if place and hold --the page's ad items would need checking and updating. Manageable by yourself? That's like 100 pages every 2 weeks to manage ...
How can I quit my regular job
to go at this full throttle
and still pay my bills?
it needs 40 or 50 hours weekly
not evenings and weekends
To my thinking 30 websites each have 20 pages (min) that's 600 pages to keep updated --or complete and forget. Even if place and hold --the page's ad items would need checking and updating. Manageable by yourself? That's like 100 pages every 2 weeks to manage ...

It is very important to use as much evergreen data as possible as this will dramatically reduce the need for updates. Over time, the accumulated pages will prove to be a huge asset that require very little maintenance. While I create most of my original content, I also do get API content and data inserted at key locations and on key pages. Most of the update stuff is done by my VA or developer, I just give them the update info and requirements and they do the rest.

Of course, eCommerce sites, Amazon sites, and similar sites probably do require a great deal more maintenance. You need a part time team member in the mix to start taking care of the "little shit".
You mean historical data

Evergreen content is search-optimized content that is continually relevant and stays “fresh” for readers over a long period of time.

For example, one of my most recent publications is about getting to know your crew and captain. It is segment 6 of a ten segment series on my charter a private yacht series.

Evergreen content has been popular for many years. It makes for exceptionally good stuffing and insulation on the sites, has long term value, requires little to no updates.
Evergreen content is search-optimized content that is continually relevant and stays “fresh” for readers over a long period of time.

For example, one of my most recent publications is about getting to know your crew and captain. It is segment 6 of a ten segment series on my charter a private yacht series.

Evergreen content has been popular for many years. It makes for exceptionally good stuffing and insulation on the sites, has long term value, requires little to no updates.
Also v good for internal linking
I know what 'evergreen' content is LOL

Sorry, evergreen don't last forever. Everything dies at some point and on the internet; the 'half-life' is very, very short. Run with it while you can but from what I see today the only thing evergreen is something the government colossus sees as 'too big to die'

I have only seen examples of short-term and medium-term successes on the internet.

cutting bait?

That is surprisingly competitive considering the limited market.
Seen a whole bunch of competitors
change their 2021 meta titles to 2022
on January 1, 2022
--> I like it for 2 reasons
  1. It is mega simple
  2. It works
So all of you watching this thread
wondering what the secret is?
It is not one secret, it is MANY secrets
but ok so you wanna know just one?
what does it mean?
--> every site I run solves a transactional problem
I am looking for people who are looking to buy things
right? so they already have their cards out
but they cannot find the product
--> I am helping them find the products
and the search query has keyword volume
these people WANT to spend money
they need to solve a problem --> NEED
  • I am cold - make me warm
  • I need income - find me a job
  • I am barefoot - get me cool sneakers
  • I am so bored - help me find a flight simulator
Do you understand it now?
You do not need to sell something
Look for people who already want it
then just be professional and help them to the cart
Everything dies at some point

Well, Elmer Wheeler is still relevant and sought after reading for marketing and selling today. We still read books and philosophies going back to the Sumerian cuneiform text from more then 5,000 years ago. We not only read everything between now and then, we still learn from all of it. I read, as a hobby, data on the Anunaki and learn a great deal. The Book of Five Rings I have been reading and re-reading for more than 30 years still holds an abundance of relevance and it was written around 1645. Also known, unofficially, as the businessman's bible in Japan for hundreds of years, even though Miyamoto was a swordsman (undefeated).

For my 10 segment series on getting to know your crew and captain has legs, is comparable to much on the subject from 20 and 30 years ago, and will likely have relevance for many years to come with little or few updates necessary. Which is what the point I was making about evergreen. If something has relevance and needs little need for adjustments for an extended period of years, it's evergreen and lends itself to the "extremely low maintenance" category.

For me, and many, suggesting that
Sorry, evergreen don't last forever. Everything dies at some point

Just doesn't wash! People die, plants die, information is always relevant if you look into it deep enough, and especially when it is edited mildly for current times!
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My fav actor from Game of Thrones
has a message for you
only takes 10 minutes to watch or listen
could change your life

Competitor #1 gets bored, quits
Competitor #2 finds another project, quits
Competitor #3 thinks it's scam, quits
Competitor #4 doesn't understand, quits
Competitor #5 finds somebody to blame, quits
Competitor #6 didn't get immediate result, quits
Competitor #7 ran out of money, quits
Competitor #8 doesn't have time, quits
Competitor #9 has bad experience, quits
YOU refuse to quit, you WIN
  • got $3,400 BANKED (enough to last 3 months cutting out everything not essential)
  • now I put aside all work contracts & obligations
  • gonna give this project 100% effort until Christmas
  • pure GRIND required --> there are NO WEEKENDS
  • this is gonna be 12 hours per day 7 days per week
  • gotta get 20 affiliate sites earning FAST --> each site gets 30 minutes per day
  • 75% sites already ranked on G & getting daily visitors
  • we are now at April 2022 & all commission earned this month --> gets paid July 4, 2022
  • which is a Monday --> that is Independence Day in US
  • 22 days left in April to win my own independence as full time affiliate marketer
  • These are my remaining min targets for 2022 -->
  • It starts TODAY at sunrise
April 9-30, 2022$2.50$50$1,100*July 4, 2022
May 1-31, 2022$2.75$55$1,705August 8, 2022
June 1-30, 2022$3.00$60$1,800September 5, 2022
July 1-31, 2022$3.25$65$2,015October 3, 2022
August 1-31, 2022$3.50$70$2,170November 7, 2022
September 1-30, 2022$3.75$75$2,250December 5, 2022
October 1-31, 2022$4.00$80$2,480January 9, 2023
November 1-30, 2022$4.25$85$2,550February 6, 2023
December 1-31, 2022$5.00$90$2,790March 6, 2023
*based on 22 days left for April
UPDATE for DAY 1 --> Unfinished Business
266 days remaining
  • keeping track of DATA for all 20 sites in Google Sheets --> each day
  • plan to share traffic & commission data (not sure how often yet)
  • looking for OFFICE SPACE physically away from home
  • got a fixed 7 day schedule (includes workout & nutrition)
  • thank all that is holy for lifetime UBERSUGGEST access
  • this is gonna be a huge test of character guys --> so share your MOTIVATING quotes & vids pls
UPDATE for DAY 2 --> Unfinished Business
265 days remaining
  • today is not a normal Sunday --> my PERSPECTIVE has changed
  • if you watched the Motiversity video ⬆️ you will understandcutting out milk on my grocery list --> hello black coffee
  • timed myself writing blog posts & it stands at 28 minutes avg
  • TIMING everything & TEMPLATING everything now
  • watched the latest Google SEO Podcast@ 1.5x speed with English closed captioning
    • Google Discover is an additional source of traffic
    • use DMCA form to request removal of copyright infringing content or
    • make sure blog post RSS feeds are submitted to Google via Google Search Console
      • also make new blog posts appear on your website homepage
    • follow the Site Move checklist for website migrations
      • use 301 redirects for broken links & do not block robots.txt
    • there is something called a "GPT-3 AI writer tool" & Google considers it spam
    • check your Core Web Vitals scoring using Google Search Console
    • chat bubble is not considered intrusive by Google to website users
    • avoid javascript button to link to more content --> Google cannot crawl it so use HTML unless hyperlink exists in the DOM when page loads
    • mentioning banned products on Google Ads (such as fireworks) does not affect regular SEO
    • Google has no set guidelines for how long an image alt text string can be
    • if you want images to get high Google ranking use highly descriptive & focused alt text strings --> also explaining relevance to your web page
    • Google does not care if content is created in house or outsourced
  • extremely grateful for this incredible OPPORTUNITY --> Thank You @T J Tutor
Last edited:
To my thinking 30 websites each have 20 pages (min) that's 600 pages to keep updated --or complete and forget. Even if place and hold --the page's ad items would need checking and updating. Manageable by yourself? That's like 100 pages every 2 weeks to manage ...
Could you please share an example of a content website

There are numerous types of content sites which include blogs, forums, news sites, and so many more. For me, I view content sites in their truest form as being extremely indulged in providing past, present, and future data. Most all that I know and admire monetize themselves, even those that survive largely on donations like WIKI. A proper content site for me provides daily niche news, weekly headlines news, and ever expanding information in general about the niche.

Two of my content sites are all about private jet charters that I monetize through the private affiliate programs with the companies I include in the information I provide. I recently finished a ten piece history series I researched and wrote. I launched the segments weekly. I had separate tracking for the links in the content and the ads on the pages. It wasn't until week seven that I started seeing significant engagement in the referrals from links. I could see where it was about then the links from the content were being shared. That's the magic, that's when it gets interesting, and it is then that you come to know if the content is working.

Most sites with with substance will be considered a content site.

I think I'm ready to finally start

This is a "green light / red light" condition and you need to STOP IT! There is never a good time or bad time to start. Get a set of brains on the project, get the server and the developer to put it together, and start! PERIOD! An object in motion is what is necessary for you to succeed. Nothing can or will be perfect, EVER! Everything is simply in growth and change mode from the beginning, so get it all in motion NOW!

I'm ready to finally start working on my first niche website and I'm a bit overwhelmed. I'm not sure where to start.

There is no such thing as being overwhelmed at the start of something. NOT POSSIBLE! This is simply an excuse and it will harm you to think in terms of being overwhelmed.
Very clever automation maybe.

I would try for 2 websites with 100 pages each first. You could alternate weekly website #1 and #2.You need fresh content all the time to rise and fall in the SERP ranks.

The week before last I made 8 pages with 10K words and formatted them using AI paraphrase and plagiarism phrase replacement APIs --some was part of a learning curve so it was slower that it could be. Long week and a lot of work. And i didn't work on any ad placement yet --that is planed to be topical and automated with feeds when I am done.

That is just one domain and one niche` ... my goal is 20 or 30 pages 30K to 50K words that makes sense. then move on to the next 2 if I finish this year lolz...