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Can a landing page ever rank on the 1st page of Google?

Is it possible for a landing page (aka a sales page) to rank in Google on page 1

Any page can rank number 1 on Google, why not?

with some basic on page SEO?

For Google Search --> I don't know what "basic on page SEO" means, either you are following Google guidelines or not, which is it?

Or should the landing page be part of a larger site

I have seen many times 1-page landing page top rank on Google
If your site is very similar subject to landing page then larger site will help, as it will provide context for Google to give better signals

(for instance, an authority site) to rank well?

Having authority will always help with SEO
A one page domain will never rank #1 or on the first page with the exception of a long string of that page's EXACT text as the search query --useless really --10 adjacent copy words maybe?

If the landing page is part of a site with real page depth --that is possible --however very rare for a CPA type landing page. **added
A one page domain will never rank #1 or on the first page with the exception of a long string of that page's

Why not?
I've not attempted to do it but technically it can be done, imo

Create the perfect landing page, with unique content (doesn't exist elsewhere)
Then you pay to send 500 visitors over 24 hours
If those 500 visitors return (example) 10% bounce rate, 10 minutes average page view
When all boxes are ticked vs top 10 Google SERP results
  • Google Chrome User Experience Report
  • Web Vitals
  • Content Guidelines
Why can't a single landing page rank number 1-10 on Google?
Why not?
I've not attempted to do it but technically it can be done, imo

Create the perfect landing page, with unique content (doesn't exist elsewhere)
Then you pay to send 500 visitors over 24 hours
If those 500 visitors return (example) 10% bounce rate, 10 minutes average page view
When all boxes are ticked vs top 10 Google SERP results
  • Google Chrome User Experience Report
  • Web Vitals
  • Content Guidelines
Why can't a single landing page rank number 1-10 on Google?
I don't think so,
what @Graybeard said is true, that can happen only if the search query is long.
Then you pay to send 500 visitors over 24 hours
If those 500 visitors return (example) 10% bounce rate, 10 minutes average page view
I have never seen that happen in the the real world.
"An average bounce rate is about 50%, meaning that about half of people who land on your website pages leave and don't come back." While optimizing web pages and improving your content strategy can help, Aarons-Mele reiterates that consumers live in their feeds, and that is a golden opportunity for brands. "Use social media content to engage people, and keep them informed and entertained. But when you really need to reach them — use email and social media. This way, you can get your content out to people without having to rely on them coming to your site of their own volition, and probably 'bouncing' off."
How to Lower Your Site's Bounce Rate

50 or less of those 500 visitors will return with network type ads. SEM will do better. Less than 3% of visitors will spend 10 minutes on the same page from what I have seen. Even with a live cam show in 6 minutes they pop their nut and say bye-bye on the average. 2-3 minutes average is what is normal-good.

Maybe, these posts are an exception and that explains this site's SEO SERPs :p
You can't rank on the top page of google by doing some basics of SEO, you need some strategies besides SEO like,
1. Publish to a custom URL
2. Regulate your Keywords
3. Secure backlinks to your page.
If you wanna know in deep about it, you can take a view of this catchy article.
A one page domain will never rank #1 or on the first page
If the landing page is part of a site with real page depth --that is possible --however very rare for a CPA type landing page.

These are both correct. As well, why in the world would anyone want, or need, a traditional lander to rank? I have content sites and I do sometimes send traffic to specific pages like I would a lander, but typically these past couple of years I send my traffic to a prelander where my traffic is divided and then sent to an appropriate page on my sites.

Typical landers are not typically evergreen and typically represent a three to twelve week effectiveness before they should be replaced. There are some exceptions, mostly in the medical and litigation fields.
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I want to add: if you search your domain name and appear first that does not mean squat unless you are a well known brand with search volume --then that's important. It's common practice to buy a top of page ad with your domain and/or trademark(s). *search engine extortion* really
What exactly do you mean by a custom URL? If you register a domain name that hasn't been taken by anyone already, isn't that technically a custom URL?

URL, quote of Wikipedia
"A Uniform Resource Locator, colloquially termed a web address, is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it"

It's not impossible to rank a landing page but not with some basic SEO. You can do these simple works and can give it a try-
  • Create a perfect landing page
  • Unique Content
  • Social Media Share
  • Time session Should be high
  • Relevant Backlinks from Authority site
  • Try to link the landing page with a relevant site that will help you to rank
  • Use relevant & rankable keywords
  • On-page optimization
I hope it'll help you to rank!
A landing page is a challenging premise. These are the potent tools that have the capability to turn visitors into customers. But you know there are kinds of landing pages of which designs are not actually SEO friendly. You know the landing page can make the visitors into the customers while stressing over the call to action. Whenever the
web page needs to be optimized for the search engines, it needs more content, extra links, and several call to action.
It is actually possible to generate a high-converting landing page that ranks well in the search engines. Therefore, with keyword targeting, more valuable content, it is easy to attract backlinks and boost your rankings.
Whenever the
web page needs to be optimized for the search engines, it needs more content, extra links, and several call to action.
You optimize for search engines by following the rules of the search engine
Links and CTA are not super important for SEO
Focus on content & user experience for the CruX report

It is actually possible to generate a high-converting landing page that ranks well in the search engines.
Agreed, there are many examples of this (I need to find and post some !!)
AI will make this alot harder

Therefore, with keyword targeting, more valuable content, it is easy to attract backlinks and boost your rankings.
You don't target keywords and content in order to attract back links
You improve the quality of your content in order to improve user experience
What's the point of busting your @$$ to get backlinks to a page? (apart from actual traffic)