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Before we move to the campaign setup, you should run some campaigns to see how your angles work with different offers. This guide will show precisely where and when it’s time to start working on a new campaign.

Step 1. How to Make the Right Choice Between Several Offers?

In order to find an offer that suits your campaign the most, apply for multiple affiliate networks. It’s good idea to contact affiliate managers as well, asking them for recommendations.

When there are several good offers in mind, pick ones that follow this criteria:

- It has low payout rates. When starting with really small budget, offers from 1$ to 2$ should be considered good, otherwise aim to pick something from 5$ to 10$.

- When split-testing, having same offer on multiple networks is essential. This will help finding the network with best conversion rates (and they actually vary a lot).

- Avoid US targeting, because of its great competition. There are a lot of nice offers in other English-speaking countries like UK, AU, Canada or Ireland.

- There are two types of offers that work best with this kind of campaign: it’s either CPI (like app installs) or PIN submission.

It’s not that your offer must follow all these criteria, but make sure it has low payout. If your budget is over 10000$, feel free to test 50$ or even 100$ offers out there. Beyond that, stick to criteria as close as possible.

Step 2. Angles Creation and Brainstorm

To create an “Angle” means to find a specific approach to an offer, focusing on different aspect, such as demographics, geo, language and much more!

At first, research your offer’s landing page, product promoting and the country it’s targeting, and then start brainstorming! Just grab pen and paper or use simple text editor to generate your ideas. The more ideas you got, the better!

If you got problems with angles generation, here are some tips that will help:

- Think of the offer’s benefits and what user problems it is able to solve.

- Research the features of the country you are targeting. This is important.

- Think what user’s needs this offer affects. That may be social status, sex, communication, money, fame and others.

- Make your offers sound more credible. Avoid using something like “Congratulations! You won free iPhone, grab it here!” or “Fill the survey and win 1 million dollars right now!”

- Tie offers to events, holidays or any kind of dates. This will help attracting active users.

When angles are ready, pick the ones, that you find most unusual. I mean, choose angles that haven’t been run a lot and your audience is likely to be blind to. These will make people signing up on them, which means profit for us.

Step 3. Creating Landing Pages and Banners

To create a banner, you need to decide its size. It’s usually recommended to experiment with sizes at first to see which of them work better. Sometimes specific traffic sources require specific banner resolutions (including something like 300x50 or 300x250).

If you are unsure on what size to use, contact your affiliate manager or look through offer’s documentation.

Make sure to design banners properly: use different images, experiment with texts and fonts. If working with animations, run some test before setting banner up.

Then create a landing page for each offer. Stick to simple designs and don’t worry if it doesn’t look great, we’re just testing offer to see its profit potential! Make sure it fits great in mobile displays and has small amount of words.

To be continued….


The 2-nd part

Campaign optimization

1. Checking ROI

Here we need to check campaigns’ ROI in order to separate them into two groups: “Promising” with ROI higher than -50% and “Unpromising” with ROI lower than -50%.

2. Optimizing “Promising” group

Cut some banners on ROI and make new to have at least ten of them to add in campaign. Swap your worst performing landing pages with new ones to split-test them again. Bear in mind to use different styles and designs. After that, check your priority handsets and their resolutions to optimize landing pages’ work on these devices.

3. Optimizing “Unpromising” group

The thing here is to find elements in “Unpromising” campaigns that outperform others. If you found, for example, that 3 particular banners massively outperform other 7, cut the campaign down just to these specific elements. After that, just go the same as with “Promising” campaigns (see above).

4. Regularly check already running campaigns

Continue to monitor underperforming banners or placements. Kill them when 5x payout reached without conversion, replace with new ones.

5. Don’t stop optimizing

Always aim to +50% ROI by cutting poor performing banners. Create different variants of your top landing pages’ designs. Split-test new color schemes, backgrounds, text positioning and fonts and any other elements.

On the Way to Great Profit

After establishing even, a single successful campaign, it is possible to scale it up to massive profit.

At first, you will need to follow these simple steps after running a campaign for 4 days with 25% positive ROI.

1. Increase your daily campaign spend. If ROI won’t drop next day, keep increasing until hitting 1/10 of your budget.

2. Keep in touch with affiliate network in order to avoid surprises like payment refusals.

3. Duplicate profitable campaigns in other countries if possible. You don’t even need to readjust creatives, just don’t forget to get quality translation first.

4. And the last, explore other traffic sources to duplicate on!
A Very good campaign set up and optimization guide, @Affmy. What do you recommend the average traffic amount for landing pages before coming to a decision?

For example, let's assume that the offer is $0.30 per conversion and the CPM is $2.00. If I have 5 testing landing pages, how much should I spend for the initial testing?
Does it mean each LP should receive 25K impressions before coming to a decision? How much traffic initially you sent for each LP?


I wouldn't invest that much, since traffic of tier-3 countries is relatively cheap, and you will get results before spending the whole 50$ per lander. Aim at spending in general 3x payout of your offer, allocating traffic equally to each lander (20% each), if possible.
Yes, @Mobidea, I also think it's a good number. However, in my experience, more traffic will provide more accurate data. So, we can take good decisions. However, as you said, I too think 25K traffic is high.
All opinions are objective and subjective )

I don't no about your financial opportunities