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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Boosting Affiliate Sign-Up - Bribe?

We launched our program now and before anybody asks - the most effective way was to stick an ad into Google. Whilst there are without doubt a lot of 'Tyre-kickers' who will never promote our program properly, it seems to be a numbers game - again.

However, I wanted to ask if anybody had any success by offering additional 'perks' such as a structured pay on top (i.e. incentive) for "1st sale= $xx, 2nd sale=$yy, etc"

It is quite complex to build it into our fee/comm. structure as already quite high - so before I speak to our technical people - I need some sort of idea how successful it 'could' be. Or is it yet again 'try and see'??

Thanks in advance for feedback.

L. :)