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Boost your app ranking by optimizing the keywords!


New Member
Hi, friends!

keywords play an important part of app store optimization, today I will introduce the importance and the ways of optimizing keywords in detail at below:

Why is the keywords important?

Optimizing keywords is a process of researching, analyzing and choosing the optimal keywords to target potential users and bring traffic and downloads to your app. Keywords optimization is a critical and necessary step in App Store Optimization, for it will decide whether your app will be noticed by users and whether it will attract more users.

65%-75% audiences would like to choose an app through searching some relevant keywords, and with the limited character of keywords, it is very necessary for you to create appropriate keywords of your app.

The benefits of optimizing keywords

Get qualified traffic:You are driving users to your app, for the keywords you select are what users are searching for.

Evaluate potential traffic and downloads:By analyzing the keywords, you can estimate the amount of traffic and downloads.

boost app ranking:If you add optimized keywords in your description and title, it becomes more effective. This helps to boost your app ranking.

Know users’ behavior:By analyzing what the most popular keywords users are using, you can get an idea of what they need and then revise your app to meet their expectation.

the ways of optimizing keywords

1.add in title: title is the core part of an app, you can add the keywords to increase the exposure rate of your app.

2. add in description: this part mainly introduce the function and other details of your app, adding the keywords in description is a good way to increase the search ranking of your app.

3. add in IAP: IAP is also a important factor to affect the search ranking of your app, you can add some special but relevant keywords, like the name of requisit, to optimize your keywords.

4. analyze your competitors : the competitors' keywords are the precious recourse to create your own keywords, you can make use of the popular keywords among competitors and combine with the actual situation to create the appropriate keywords of your app. Remembering the relevance, competition and localization are the important factors of optimizing keywords.

5. buy keywords search installs: if you have enough budget, you could buy some keywords search installs from a reliable app store optimization company, like ASOTOP1, to help you.

Keywords optimization is very important to app developers, hope this post will be useful!
agree...keywords are the real factor for ranking an app...hence optimizing your app with your targeted keywords is very important for SEO..!!!