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Blogger to Domain Question.. New to Cpa


New Member
Hello everyone!

This is my first post here in the forum(Don't know where to post this question though)..
I have a blogger blog using PPD and I am planning to transfer it to a domain so that I can use content lockers(CPA).

So my question is:
1. I've read in some forums that blogger blog using content lockers are getting deleted. Is that true?
2. What do you prefer content locking or link locking?
3. If I transfer my blog to a domain, are there any chances that my youtube links(description in youtube vids to my blog) still remain ?
I am using link shorteners in my youtube description directly to my landing page. I'll be getting problems in opening my youtube accounts
(getting banned) if ever the links will not remain.
4. I already have adworkmedia account.. is it ok to use youtube traffic? (AM is offline now)

That's all my questions for now..
Thanks in advance!
Hey, welcome!

Does the site get traffic already? If not I'd use WordPress on your own domain as they allow content locking and you can even get plugins for it :)!

As for YT and AdWork i'll link this to the guys!
Thanks K for showing us this thread! And thanks cracklings1017 for your questions!

1 ) I would also recommend WordPress since Blogger has been known to terminate accounts with ad services related to affiliate marketing.

2) Content Locking vs Link Locking: both work well for certain situations, the best way to find out is to split test both options on your site and see which generates greater earnings.

3) I'm not sure on the answer to this one, but if there is a way to redirect the links to your new site then hopefully that will work as a solution.

4) You can use YT traffic with our network but please make sure you do not SPAM in any way and we prefer for you to use a link shortener for all public links to our tools or campaigns. Please also follow any YT TOS guidelines.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any other questions. Good luck with your promotion!

AdWork Media