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Best traffic source for COD offers


I want to promote COD offers ( cash on delivery offers) from adcombo. Could anyone tell me good traffic for these offers? How about Facebook ads? I read some informations that facebook not allow nutra offers, adult product. How to i can promote them in facebook ad? Any trick?
Thank for reading!
I want to promote COD offers ( cash on delivery offers) from adcombo. Could anyone tell me good traffic for these offers? How about Facebook ads? I read some informations that facebook not allow nutra offers, adult product. How to i can promote them in facebook ad? Any trick?
Thank for reading!
You can run this on Facebook ads, or native, it should work!
Hands down the best traffic sources for COD offers are......:)
  • TrafficJunky. ...
  • ExoClick. ...
  • TrafficForce. ...
  • JuicyAds. ...
  • TrafficFactory
  • adexpensian
  • reporo
assuming we are talking adult COD offers
Hi, leadpro! No need to look for any traffic sources apart from FB, more than 60% of all traffic is coming from there, including adult offers. Good angle, a little bit of cloaking and you'll get your profit. Just find a good offer - that's the point and the key to success of your every new campaign. Search different affiliate networks, don't stick to just one.
Hi, leadpro! No need to look for any traffic sources apart from FB, more than 60% of all traffic is coming from there, including adult offers. Good angle, a little bit of cloaking and you'll get your profit. Just find a good offer - that's the point and the key to success of your every new campaign. Search different affiliate networks, don't stick to just one.
How can a person who doesnt know about cloaking can try his luck with facebook ads?
Where can I start reading about how to cloak in facebook?

$ curl -H -L -A cloak :D <<<ad moderator bot
after the fact (the ad is approved) change the URL with a JavaScript cookie based redirect ... That is not bot proof either
you will get the <script>.
Cloaking is a fantasy -- you can fool stupid people cloaking like hiding your real URL and its parameters from people ...

Show me your best cloaked link ... All your base are belong to us.
I worked in this scope with CPA affiliate network provide those type of offers (mostcpa) , and the best result will be in (Google search either SEO or SEM)
Besides the traffic source, you might want to consider the geo you want to target.

If you’re targeting a Tier 1 or Tier 2 geo with low barriers when it comes to online payment, why bothering with COD? After all delivered or not you get your commission anyway.
While on the other hand, if you’re targeting Tier 3 countries with high barriers to online payments, then going for COD offers is better.

Regarding FB and Cloaking, that’s something you should be careful with, as well as prepared to lose your ad accounts (including funds) if caught breaking the rules. Which leads to Native traffic if the offers you’re trying to promote are not allowed on FB.

Here’s a look back on Native during 2018:
Native Advertising 2018 The Year in Review
I worked in this scope with CPA affiliate network provide those type of offers (mostcpa) , and the best result will be in (Google search either SEO or SEM)
Organic -- good luck
SEM is expensive but effective: 'true';

People talk all day about SEO;
  • In the end game unless the content is exceptional --
  • a lot of direct traffic
  • and good CTR from Organic SEO
  • and then low bounce rates
  • and good page depth
-- it's all talk or occasional flash in the pan.

Been there done, and seen that ;)
I want to promote COD offers ( cash on delivery offers) from adcombo. Could anyone tell me good traffic for these offers? How about Facebook ads? I read some informations that facebook not allow nutra offers, adult product. How to i can promote them in facebook ad? Any trick?
Thank for reading!
hey are you still running COD offers ? and how about your experience ?