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Are there affiliate firms?

Nick Esparza

New Member
What I mean by this is, is there companies that hire out to lets say 100 other affiliate marketers and pay them 2/3 of what I am getting. Let's say I am getting $75.00 per new registeree, and I pay the affiliate marketers working for me 50.00 per new registeree. I am just trying to look at all sides of this thing right now.

If you have experience with what I am inquiring about and can offer me some good advice, that would be phenomenal..

Thank You,

I know that some merchants have tiered affiliate programs, but I don't know if that's what you're referring to. I'm sure someone with more knowledge of those setups than me will be along to help you out. :)

I want to hire other affiliate marketers to draw customers to a mortgage company website for me. Than for every lead that comes from that I will be paid $75.00. I will in turn pay them (affiliate marketers) $50.00 for getting them to the site for me. My question is, is this something that people do? :confused: Or is it unheard of? I just want to mass market. Me doing it all by myself is spreading myself too thin, whereas if I had say 100 other affiliate marketers working for me..... I could see exponential gains and so could they. So I am just trying to get advice on if that is kosher in AM world or not?
you can apply to some CPA network as advertiser also you can contact me to advertise with over network if u have good product to sale will surely look into it.
I think it will usually depend on the expenses to the webmaster/product owner. If virtual goods it's very possible to get a 50%-60%+ compensation.