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Alternative to Facebook and Twitter


New Member
What other social networking sites are on par with Facebook and Twitter which are useful for promoting blogs/websites?
I'd say Pinterest and Google+ are good alternatives. I'd pick Pinterest over G+ though, just because they seem to offer more of a unique service when placed side by side with competitors like Twitter and Facebook. Honestly, though, I don't think there would be many alternatives for two of the biggest social media networks around since the amount of user base they have continues to be unparalleled.
I would also go for Pinterest over Google +. Well, in our country, Pinterest has already taken foot on the market compared to Google+.
Pinterest is your next best bet, along with Google+ if you can find others in your niche, but one other platform you can try is Squidoo, Hubpages, or any other article sites like them. Since your aim is to promote a blog, they're perfect for posting quality articles with several backlinks directing traffic to your blog or site. It takes time like any other Social Media site, but I find this is especially effective for blogs, plus you get a bit of revenue from the amount of views to each article with these platforms.
I absolutely love using Pinterest to help market my blog. It's actually driven more traffic to my site than either Facebook or Twitter. It doesn't matter what your blog is about, as long as you have clear, quality photos posted.
I promote new posts on my blog using Tumblr and I've found that to be very useful. I have Wordpress and Tumblr synched, so when my posts are promoted on Tumblr, all the tags automatically transfer. I've found that well-tagged Tumblr posts always attract a lot of traffic. :)
Pinterest is definitely up and coming - just because of its different style of presenting the page - Pictures/Photos/Images - they are always better than a million words and that is what they have been using to gain popularity.
Stay on Facebook or you could always use Google+. I recently deleted my Twitter account, because I started to find it very useless.
I think Google+ is the best alternative to Facebook and Twitter. There are many social networking sites, you should choose the one that suits you.
Really, I don't think there is a very good alternative to Facebook and Twitter that can one can hope to replace them altogether with at the moment. You would be looking at experimental or budding networks that have a small fraction of the user base that the two have. It would be very unwise to cut them out of a marketing strategy completely, I would even go so far as to say it can be a contributing factor to failure, because not only do they provide a huge number of people, but they are integral for page rank and SEO as well.
I have heard about Path from a friend. I'm thinking of downloading it to finally understand how it works. Does anyone in here use it?
Google+ fits your criteria. It is pretty similar to Facebook and Twitter, but the one thing is that it's ineffective at the moment. That doesn't mean you can't take advantage of it, the more the better when it comes to social media networks.
Google+ is a more community based platform, it works great for networking & getting found on search engines (since it's directly through Google)

Pinterest is great for visual marketing & promotional infographics & promoting photography. Besides that it's not very community orientated, and networking is next to non-existent there.

LinkedIn is another great alternative for professional networking, and job hunting.

At the end of the day it just depends on which one fits your criteria the best.
I just opened a Pinterest account and am still poking around seeing how everything works. Have heard that there have been people who have really made a killing on Pinterest to market their products especially affiliate marketers.
I just opened a Pinterest account and am still poking around seeing how everything works. Have heard that there have been people who have really made a killing on Pinterest to market their products especially affiliate marketers.

I'm looking online right now and there's a way you could make money off of Pinterest through Amazon.
I myself do not use m my personal Facebook page too often to promote my blogs. My friends are mostly real life friends who are not frequent bloggers. They would feel link spammed. However I am a member of blogging groups on Facebook and I found them helpful. I also use Twitter which is linked to my Facebook account.
I definitely would like to try Tumblr since it seems to work out fine for me. At least I was able to find followers there for my poetry! They are interested in my writing. Whatever platform you are using it will not be of any avail unless you have friends or followers that are actually interested in writing. My real life and Facebook friends are not, that is why I am giving Tumblr a go.
Google+ is massively on the rise and I believe it will soon catch up with the big social networks. Google hangouts are one of the great features of it. So I'd say google+
Reddit is a great way to promote new websites if you can find the correct subreddit(essentially the forums that reddit uses for organization) for it and appeal to the readers of the subreddit.

As stated above, Google+ is also a good way to promote your website. Google is a massive corporation trying to start up their social network, and with new users going to sign up with their google account, there is a potentially massive audience waiting.