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Affiliates: Passion vs Demand - Determine if the Niche will be Profitable

Linda Buquet

New Member
I've written a lot about the fact that if affiliates can find something they are passionate about to focus on - ESPECIALLY for their 1st niche, it makes it easier to get started and to stay motivated.

However, you also need to be sure it's a topic that has revenue potential.

Here's a GREAT article from Dr. Mani. Also read the 2nd link about passion and success.

<a href="">How To Know If Your Niche Has Enough Demand To Be Profitable</a>
<p>In another post, I wrote about the <a href="">link between passion and entrepreneurial success</a>. I explained how pursuing my passion for writing led to developing an information business that?s built on creating content and presenting information in a format that is valuable and useful to my clients.</p><p>If you read that article, it might give the impression that all one needs in order to become successful is to tap into your own passion, and then jump right in to build a business around it. But that approach won?t work every time. In fact, it may well be risky and dangerous to try that.</p><p>Because while it may be exciting and fun (at least for a while), blindly chasing your passion is not a formula for high achievement ? unless it also meets one other criterion.</p><p><strong>You must learn to correctly identify desire and assess demand.</strong></p>
Read the rest here
Good stuff here Linda.

When I first got started online it was in a niche that I had an interest in, but not a passion. There also weren't enough products to promote for a long term business plan within the niche.

I made money and learned a lesson.

Now I focus on health & IM niches because I love those topics and things are much more enjoyable with that route.
The Importance of a Niche

I appreciate you taking the time to point out the importance of choosing an appropriate niche. Not everyone understands that simply choosing a niche market based off something you are passionate about is not the only thing that needs to be taken into consideration. The best niche involves passion and profitability.
Thanks for the share. I think it's great info but sadly not many people think about these while doing their market research. All they think about is money.
The problem for me is that I get drawn towards what I like rather than stick to the more prosaic but profitable ideas!
i think that choosing a topic that you are passionate about is crucial especially in the beginning.. because the beginning is going to be when you struggle the most... and this is when it is most important to stay motivated.