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Affiliate Marketing Guide To Surveys & Sweepstakes Campaigns [Whitelists Inside]


Traffic Manager
Traffic Manager
Hi guys!

Have you seen our newest blog article? We decided to look into the sweepstakes vertical to review what works best and where.

The article might be especially useful for beginners as it's full of useful tips and tricks for running your first Sweepstakes campaign!

What is the Sweepstakes vertical?

Surveys & Sweepstakes vertical consists of various offers promising users a reward, usually a chance to win an item, upon taking a specific action. Entering a sweepstake contest is free, but users need to submit their email addresses, fill a form, or spin a wheel-of-fortune by clicking on the designated area of the website.

Types of Surveys and Sweepstakes Offers

SOI (Single Opt-in) Offers - by far the simplest form of a sweepstakes offer. They have the lowest payouts but require the least effort to convert.

DOI (Double Opt-in) Offers - they require a two-step authentication. DOI offers are a bit harder to convert as not everyone who starts the registration process is willing to complete it. On the plus side they do have higher payouts which makes up for slightly lower conversion rates.

CC Submit means users are required to submit their credit card details in order for a conversion to be counted. These types of offers usually come with much higher payouts and they require a lot more effort (pre-landers, advanced optimization strategies, spot-on funnel), too.

Mobile Subscription Offers, also known as carrier billing offers, require users to subscribe to some service for which the payment will be periodically charged directly to their mobile phone bill. Such offers are characterized by higher payouts and lower conversion rates. Also, depending on an offer, one or two-step verification is required.


Where to run Sweepstakes Campaigns?

Sweepstakes work on both mobile and desktop traffic and practically in any GEO. As always, everything depends on your offer details, whether you want to involve ad creatives or pre-landers, as well as targeting and optimization choices (not to mention the seasonal swings).

Top GEOs For Surveys & Sweepstakes:

Tier 1: US, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Italy.

Tier 2: Sweden, Netherlands, Spain, Singapore, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa.

Tier 3: India, Thailand, Philippines, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil.


What ad formats work best for sweepstake offers?

If you’re a complete beginner pop ads might be the best option for you. No creatives are required and more often than not landing pages and offers are a package deal. Also, pop traffic is cheap and there’s plenty of volume which means you can spend more on testing and optimizing (also called the learning phase).

Once you’re slightly more advanced, domain redirect might be worth a shot. Even though it’s a bit more expensive than pop, it can still be considered cheap, it converts well and even allows for a more precise targeting. Also, no ad creatives or pre-landers are required and the traffic volume is big enough to scale.
Push or in-page push ads allow you to deliver your message straight to users’ devices in a non-intrusive, user-friendly, and highly-engaging way. The traffic is top-quality, hence the higher cost and higher conversion rates. Push works especially well combined with mobile targeting (and don’t forget about the possibility of targeting iOS users through in-page push ads!)​

DOs and DON'Ts of ad creatives
Here’s what you should do if you decide to use your own pre-landers and creatives:​
  • Make sure the lander matches the offer in terms of colors.​
  • If you’re taking your creatives from spytools, make sure they regard the same offer as the one you’re promoting.​
  • Keep the whole funnel corresponding in design.​
  • Avoid typos.​
  • Adjust or translate the copy if needed.​
  • Do your best to optimize the loading speed of your landers.​
  • Countdowns, quizzes, spin-wheels, or roulettes are great elements for engaging users.​
  • Use real photographs.​
  • Remember about seasonal trends (add some festivity during the Holiday season!)​
  • Rotate creatives to avoid creative fatigue.​
  • Add positive comments and user reviews for the sense of credibility.​
...and here’s what you shouldn’t do:​
  • Don’t overdo your creatives. Simple designs are the way to go.​
  • Don’t use cartoonish visuals.​
  • Never guarantee any prizes.​
  • Avoid copying everything from spytools - use them for inspiration.​
  • Don’t use logos of popular brands.​
  • Stay away from copycatting materials.​
  • Double check you copy before posting to avoid typos.​
  • Don’t try to imitate copyrighted materials.​
  • Don't lie to your audience.​
Whitelist data

Source Total Visits Avg. Bid
rubious-buffalo 288576142 $0.0008
spadiceous-peacock 75023516 $0.0004
icterine-hyena 22536242 $0.0003
beige-alligator 15683563 $0.0003
castory-impala 9020612 $0.0010
pyrrhous-marten 8862459 $0.0006
melichrous-badger 5332997 $0.0004
cesious-possum 3378029 $0.0007
tan-sparrow 3116395 $0.0002
testaceous-coot 2669427 $0.0002

Source Total Visits Avg. Bid
lateritious-falcon 8325040 $0.0116
ochre-snail 5832561 $0.0091
gamboge-moose 1940098 $0.0096
badious-buzzard 1457725 $0.0186
rubiginous-impala 1080195 $0.0062
griseous-trout 811987 $0.0053
porraceous-llama 543995 $0.0088
gridelin-bear 499915 $0.0083
ferruginous-bison 490194 $0.0028
whey-wild 419879 $0.0179

Source Total Visits Avg. Bid
teal-llama 432274258 $0.0453
fulvous-yak 71222264 $0.0481
sable-flamingo 51579452 $0.0168
morel-dolphin 48068445 $0.0314
citrine-mule 43629906 $0.0361
ochre-weasel 43544607 $0.0137
aubergine-guinea 38535974 $0.0305
terracotta-bovine 34543569 $0.1439
pavonated-reindeer 20601744 $0.0128​

Do you want to see step-by-step sweepstake optimization tips?
We’ve got you covered!


Click here to read the full article.

Very informative article.

However, I don't know how to interpret the data in the whitelist section. What are the names like "rubious-buffalo" in the sources about?

Can you please give more precision?
What are the names like "rubious-buffalo" in the sources about?

These are the names for our publishers (publisher - a person who owns a bunch of websites [targets] on which you can display your ads). So you can treat sources simply as groups of websites.

The names are not significant by themselves, it's just what we call them. I believe other traffic sources use strings of numbers and/or letters to name their sources.

I hope that answers your question and if you have any more, don't hesitate to ask :)
Hi! can you please tell me how can i create pre-landers for sweepstakes and how should i adjust them before the landing page?
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Hi! Most popular pre-landers for sweepstakes offers are either spin wheels or quizzes. The simplest way to get them is by using spy tools and downloading and then adjusting ready-made landers.

The adjustments should mainly include checking that there aren't any leftover scripts or links that might lead people away from your offers. Additionally, you should make sure all the information is congruent with that on your offer page. If you know a little bit of coding, you can do that yourself. If not, you should invest in a lander builder :)

@zeropark first off thanks for the article, it opened my eyes to the potential possibilities. With running pop ads would you suggest using a spy tool since no creatives or pre-landers are required?
@Billblast We would generally always recommend using a spy tool as it doesn't only help with creatives/landers but also with deciding which offers are worth running and where. You can get some precious insights from a spy tool so even if you aren't using a creative you can check which offer has been running where and for how long.

Also, although pre-landers aren't required, it's best to always find out what's the better option. You can ask your affiliate network account manager/support team or run a split test. Most of the time your offer wouldn't become profitable if it wasn't for the landing page and sometimes it will convert better without it.

So yes you can start without a spy tool if you're on a very tight budget but overall spy tools have plenty of benefits and they will help you a lot in the long run.

Hey, the use of trademarks and brand logos is allowed only with the consent of the trademark owner. You can read more about the campaign guidelines here.

ya and that's my point but totally stay away from zeropark unless you want a 1000% CTR I think my creative are like bitcoin or something.
50 impressions and 500 clicks lol
Hey @chroniczzz420 you should contact or immediately so we can check that out!

Please provide us with as many details as possible – the name of the campaign, time range, and click id of the visits. We'll investigate as soon as you get us more information.

Reporting anything unusual like that always helps us make sure our traffic is up to the highest standard so please don't hesitate to shoot us a message.

Hey @chroniczzz420 you should contact or immediately so we can check that out!

Please provide us with as many details as possible – the name of the campaign, time range, and click id of the visits. We'll investigate as soon as you get us more information.

Reporting anything unusual like that always helps us make sure our traffic is up to the highest standard so please don't hesitate to shoot us a message.

Your system doesn't see anything with 100% + CTR unusual?
I'm not sure what systems you have in place to check publishers' traffics but it ain't working.
I guess I'm getting some ad fatigue only 700% today. Nice conversions zeropark.

I have been able to investigate your issue on my own and posted a full answer for you in this thread.

I'd be happy to answer any other questions you may have and please never hesitate to contact me or the support team in case of any questions/issues or even if you need some tips.
