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Affiliate Business Model

Bruno Semedo

New Member
Hi, I'd like to know if you could tell if there is any Affiliate Business Model Framework or any that u have tried yourself and you'd like to share.
Thank you!
Well even if you folow someone else method it not necesarly means you will be succesful because it depends on so many factors .My advice its to search on this forum ,youtube or google and find succesful people and see what they are doing ,choose a method and start working .For example if you go to youtube and search for john crestany ,franklin hatchet ,project life mastery and many others you will find great methods to make money in their content
The think its you will not find any quick rich scheme or any method where you you don't need to invest time and money .Every method needs some action ,planned work and patience .Many new people are excited when they see when people make $200 per day, then are excited and they start work and after 2 weeks they dont see good results or any and they give up complaining (this doesn't work ,its scam etc ) IM its not for people who give up easily
I make tutorial videos about trading stocks and promote brokers that payout $800 per new trader. Pretty good model, although it's a lot of work that I can't outsource.

You can do this for all sorts of offers. I seen people having insane succes with WordPress tutorials promoting hosting (recurring!), paid themes and plugins.
You mean you need more topics to do tutorials on or want to know how to create them?

Where you said "I seen people having insane succes with WordPress tutorials promoting hosting (recurring!), paid themes and plugins"

I am very interested to earn from recurring commissions on non-physical products, like hosting, themes, plugins, SSL, domains --> if you have some advice? I am making action plan
Where you said "I seen people having insane succes with WordPress tutorials promoting hosting (recurring!), paid themes and plugins"

I am very interested to earn from recurring commissions on non-physical products, like hosting, themes, plugins, SSL, domains --> if you have some advice? I am making action plan

Yeah sure, if you want to go the WP route you could go with:

  • Hosting: Kinsta (recurring) / Bluehost (one time)
  • Themes: WPengine + StudioPress (sub referrals!) / MyThemeShop (sub referrals!)
  • Plugins: Elementor (popular 50% pps) / Beaver Builder (25%recurring)

And you could go a step further and add email marketing providers like Aweber or courses/ memberships. Lot's of possibilities.