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A little help for my upcoming website...


New Member
I don't know if this is the correct place to post this, but here goes...

Since I'm new here I'll start off by saying Hi! o/

I'm currently working on my own affiliate marketing site on the subject of web hosting. I realise this is an extremely competitive market, but I'm willing to give it a shot and see what becomes of it.

The site is a comparison website for web hosting providers with some pretty in depth search and filter options so others can find a web hosting package right for their needs. I will be including as many hosts as I can discover to exist, whether they offer an affiliate program or not. There are currently not so many in the database so I thought I would ask for a little help. This being an affiliate marketing community the subject fits and most of you are likely to have some form of web hosting. What would be helpful once the site goes live, is if people from these forums wouldn't mind popping along and writing a short (or long if you prefer) review of their web host. If your host isn't in the database you will be able to submit a similar review form where you can submit your host name and URL so the host can be added to the database with the new review.

I'm making this post before going live to see if people would be willing to give a little help (and maybe refer other people they know to have a web hosting package) in the form of a short review of a product they already use. It would be very helpful with getting the site off the ground with some proper ratings.

What do you lot think? Cheers!

Sure, shoot me a PM on here or go to one of my links below and send me an email. I use a web hosting company that is "eco-friendly". Not sure if they would be in your list or would want to use them as one of your hosting companies for a review but would be glad to write a small review for you.
I think you are not going to convert if you put over 5 choices for the visitors to your site.

If you look at most products and services, they only offer 3 to 5 different options per product or service and most are on a good, better , best type of system.

the main reason for this is because of information overload. TMI is a major cause of an inflated bounce rate, so i would theme the site with 3 to 5 hosting providers and state something like:

We have evaluated over 50 different hosting providers, but instead of putting you in a position of spending hour upon hour researching for the perfect hosting account for you.

We have narrowed down to 5 providers with superior customer service and quality services that will give you exactly what you need without the headaches and wasted hours for unnecessary research.

Just read the following reviews and we are 100% sure that we have them broken down so finding your perfect fit can be completed in just a few seconds, even if you are new to the web and hosting.

Put something like that on the homepage or landing page and you will have much better conversions.
Agree with jcorkern.
Usually affiliate marketers choose a few good affiliate programs to promote. Typically web designers do not put more than 10-100 outside (affiliate) inks per page. Try a top 5 or 10 list. Write a description of each highlighting their features. Go Daddy and Blue Host are some good web hosting affiliate programs to start with.
i can only tell which host i use and what i think about it. I use IX Webhostingfor about 6 month now and I'm really glad about it. Since I'm not an computer expert, support is the most important thing to me and IX never let me down so far.