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5 Helpful Affiliate Marketing Tips


New Member
#1 Choose Your Industry VERY Carefully

Choose a niche that you love, that you have a passion for! If you do that, one, you will want to work, and two, customers will want to buy from you!

#2 Use A Few Merchants

Customers usually buy the same brands. If you work with multiple merchants, you will have a wide variety of brands of the same types of product. More brands = more customers. More customers=more sales. More sales=MORE MONEY!!! And that's what we are all trying to do right, make money!

#3 Choose Unique Domain Names

Make sure you choose a domain name that is practical yet unique. Make sure people know what you are selling or what types of things you are selling! Also make sure your site is user friendly because if not then you wont get a sale!

#4 Keep Learning

Competition is the name of the game in affiliate marketing! We all know you want to keep your high rank! To do that your content must stay recent! If not your rank will dissipate! So stay educated on your niche!

#5 Be Involved in Social Networking!!!

Not only will Social Networking get your name out but it will create loads of backlinks! Backlinks are SO IMPORTANT!!! And there are so many easy free ways to network like: facebook, twitter, forums, youtube, and blogging!

Great post! I love the fourth marketing tip!

Competition is the name of the game in affiliate marketing! We all know you want to keep your high rank! To do that your content must stay recent! If not your rank will dissipate! So stay educated on your niche!

This is something that so many marketers forget to do. Just because you're an expert doesn't mean you can stay an expert without really trying. Every niche evolves and develops and if you don't stay on it, then you're giving someone else the upper hand.
Action that is the keyword. Most people spend months learning and then do very little of what they know and simply say BS BS BS. they never really gave themselves a fair shot. Sometimes the product requires a little but of money spent not much either and sometimes they simply require persistence to create perseverance.

I agree with all the tips, especially learning. You can never stop and say - hey I have been doing this for couple of years now, I know everything. The thing is, that internet is constantly evolving, updating, growing and new things and ideas are popping out every minute. You simply cannot stay still - affiliate marketing is all about learning new things and using them for your benefit.