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100 million Web sites


<b><font size=2>In Memoriam - Loyal Administrator<
Often I will see something that I think is really interesting. I'll tell myself that I believe others would also find it interesting. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't.

I thought I would give this a try. I think it is very interesting. I am not sure how many are going to agree with me.

There are now over 100 million Web sites and still it is difficult to agree on if it should be one word or two words. This represents 100 million Web sites with domain names and content on them.

Even with all of those sites out there, many 5 Star members are having very good success with their sites. New sites are being added at a fantastic rate but it is still to have a successful new site.

About 27 million of these 100 million sites were added this year. That is how fast the growth is now.

Back in 1995 there were 18,000 sites. I had 3 Web sites in 1995. I don't believe that at the time I knew how many were out there. But I do remember thinking during that period that there were a lot of them. Right then it did seem like a lot.

I've provided links to a couple of good articles about the 100 million Web sites and why there are so many of them. The first article also has a video story with it.

Maybe a few of you will think this is as interesting as I do. Here are the two links:
You know what boogles the mind more? Think about all the search engines trying to keep up with caching all those sites!

You know what boogles the mind even more than that? Think about the WayBack Machine trying to keep a cache of all those cached sites for years and years.

I love how overwhelming it is ... and still, if you keep a decent website going ... it's still possible to be in the top ten listings out of hundreds of thousands.

I have to stop now. My head's going to explode.