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10 Off Page Strategies to Follow in 2014


These are some of the offpages seo strategies available for us in 2014.

  1. Before you start to promote your keyword, analyze about the competitor of that keyword.
  2. Nothing is impossible, so you can take high competiting or low competiting keyword. But be constant to pick the keywords it may either short tail or long tail keyword.
  3. You can do social bookmarking and directory submissions, but do it with relevant and quality sites. ( For ex : Don't post web design company website in health websites )
  4. Pick relevant keywords for your primary keyword. Start doing your promotional activities for your secondary keywords. Make sure that all your secondary keywords should contain primary keyword. For ex : primary keyword - kickstarter Clone , Choose secondary keywords as kickstarter Clone Script, kickstarter Script, etc...
  5. You can promote it as mixture of keywords while you placing links in your anchor texts. This is one way to avoid spamming.
  6. Create boards and join in communities on social networking sites like facebook, pinterest, google +, scoopit, storify, tumblr, etc.. ( this makes your keyword to get notified too quickly for your website URL )
  7. Guest post, article submission and web 2 sites. As i said, insert links for your keywords in a rotation.
  8. Forum signature, blog comments and profile creation. Place your links with your primary and secondary keywords.
  9. If possible you can also promote it by doing press release and news letter.
  10. Most importantly, after placing your links on your promotional sites check for those links whether they have been cached by google or what other search engine that you want to rank for. It's very important for each and every steps you have taken.

If you have any other strategies please share :)
Thanks for sharing these best Onpage SEO techniques with us. Onpage SEO is most required technique for a website to make it completely SEO friendly. It is a one time process which gives you long time benefit. It also fixes most problems occur via any Google Update.