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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. bjorno20

    Converting facebook traffic

    I have a facebook page in general category, that is growing at up to 200 likes a week, if I don't advertise or update.When I advertise I get post clicks at about 5-10 clicks per penny(<.002).I advertise only to Mexico and India, but pages are all English. I send all traffic to a website in...
  2. D

    Need some help to get started

    Hey guys, Let me begin by saying that I am rather new to the whole "making money online". Right now, I am still at the step of planning my first project. My first project will be a website to try to reach 10$ in revenue per month within the first 3 months. To achieve this, I've decided to...
  3. marco gomes

    5 years developer moving to affiliate marketing

    Hi is Marco here, I'm working as a web developer but since a couple month ago I started to be really really deep in affiliate marketing to make some extra income online... Thanks everybody dont forget to get in touch !! :)
  4. dinabrokoth

    Niche Sites Monetization with Adsense & Amazon Journey

    Hi fellow fixers! As I've previously stumbled upon a struggling with my offline life, I need to gain back into this online world. I am creating this journey to record and receive motivation from others if possible. Beside jumping into paid traffics, I will try to do SEO and gain organic...
  5. Azroumahli

    I can't see my adsense ads & i'm getting this message in my account!

    Hi guys, i have an adsense account that i was using in mobile appilcations "admob" after i created a website and since adsense don't allow us to use multi adsense account, i added my website to my adsense account, after the website approved, they told me to place my ad code in my website, when...
  6. A

    Adsense Earning really low yesterday.

    Hii Everyone Yesterday i get 54 clicks on my ads from adsense, but wich only paid my 30 cents. How is this possible? Best Regards Andrew Waatz
  7. Fraz

    Little about me...

    A digital marketer & professional blogger, Experienced with wide range of SEO, SMO, SEM and CPA Marketing projects. Self driven Entrepreneur, Web Consultant & Founder of
  8. amin021023

    AdBlock; how much does it effect the IM?

    So I've been thinking about creating a site that it's main income source will be Adsense, and I was wondering how many people these days use this extention on their browser? should I reconsider doing this?