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  1. threenerds2014

    Best SMTP Server 2016

    What is your best SMTP server for sending bulk emails? I have tried mandrill and SendGrid. Mandrill is best for the newsletter, not affiliate promotion. On the other hand, I found SendGrid is the best for inboxing of any emails client
  2. threenerds2014

    Do I have to have a clickable link in every email?

    The blog is essential for long term marketing. People often read the blogs to get their suitable information. Blog means branding. It helps you to grow up your audience as well as build a strong relationship to your subscribers. It seems that blogging is real challenge to the new marketer, but...
  3. threenerds2014

    How To Check Spam Score for Emails?

    This is a great tool to check your newsletter score.
  4. threenerds2014

    Get Approved by CPA Networks

    This is not the right guide to get approved from a CPA network. First of all you have to mature in IM world then you go to the big networks. There are some other network like CPA lead/ CPA grip which don't need any activation. So be honest first then come in IM. If you starting with fraudulent...
  5. threenerds2014

    Is the money really in the list?

    Thanks guys for you valuable information. What if I use the different email address with different offers?
  6. threenerds2014

    Is the money really in the list?

    One question: how many emails usually send per day for one user? Any idea?
  7. threenerds2014

    Is the money really in the list?

    I am starting to send emails for from the first hour and build the relationship to reach the inbox. If any person doesn't reply my email within 1 day then I simply remove the user from my list. It's not worthy to get my email flag.
  8. threenerds2014

    Birthday Emails

    Haven't tested yet. But will do in upcoming valentine's day.
  9. threenerds2014

    Best Subject Line Idea For Email Marketing?

    Great suggestion indeed. Also I when send my emails with first name of the subject line the open rates is great. People love to see their name on the email subject line.
  10. threenerds2014

    Best Time To Send Emails In 2016

    Actually, this is depending on the niche. Some niche has high priority to send emails in the morning and some are in the evening. There are not actually any definition for the best time. You should test by yourself.
  11. threenerds2014

    Avoid to get in the spam box?

    You should use custom email which is match to your domain name as well as have you use autoresponder like GetResponse or any SMTP server like mandrill?
  12. threenerds2014

    Is email marketing the best strategy for 2016?

    I am still read and click my email. So I think it will be working on 2016 as well.
  13. threenerds2014

    Best SMTP?

    I like mandrill, sendgrid, turbo SMTP and mailgun.
  14. threenerds2014

    Send Emails Per Day?

    I have to send over 5000 emails per day with the help of Aweber. Great service.
  15. threenerds2014

    Which is the best autoresponder?(Never End)

    I found a blog post about great review of autoresponder as well as email marketing. You may take a look:
  16. threenerds2014

    Best Time To Send Emails?

    I have split test my email list and found open rates normally high when I send emails in the morning.
  17. threenerds2014

    Want To Send 50K emails Per Day?

    Me and my partner together build list in where I got 40K email address per day and it increasing day by day. Any idea how could we send the bulk email and percentage to reach the inbox will high?
  18. threenerds2014

    Review GetResponse Review ?

    For me, I am a fan of GetResponse. One problem I have faced that, When I upload custom email list they didn't approve it although I got all the emails from two-step verification.