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  1. chiruraaj

    Official PPVAffiliate Tool [Deleted]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  2. chiruraaj

    Official PPVAffiliate Tool [Deleted]

    chiruraaj updated PPVAffiliate Tool with a new update entry: PPVAffiliate Tool Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. chiruraaj

    Mediatraffic or 50onred? peerfly or maxbounty?

    The general consensus is that 50onred has a better traffic quality than Mediatraffic. So, if you have $500 ( which you will need anyway for testing.) then go with 50onred. As far as Peerfly and Maxbounty are concerend, they are both great networks, so you can't go wrong with either of them. :)
  4. chiruraaj

    Seems impossible to open TrafficVance account ...

    If you are from Asia, it is very hard to get in even with strong referrals.
  5. chiruraaj

    LI Vs TV Vs 50onred

    Hey Saymyname, Did you sign up to any of them? If not yet then, 50onred can be the best option if you are looking for quality traffic and want to get started at lesser entry level. TV will be difficult to get into if you are just starting out.
  6. chiruraaj

    whats the best scraper?

    You can try if you are looking for a free option, although it doesnt work sometimes. I use affexpert scraper tool. :)
  7. chiruraaj

    How can I install leadimpacts adware toolbar?

    Current Leadimpact toolbar is Strong Vault Free. :)
  8. chiruraaj

    PPV To Add LP or not to LP

    I have always had better luck using a Landing Page. As the landing page is made by me so it is something new for the visitor wheras if you direct link, the visitor may have already seen the page on which he lands directly. Obviously there will be a few cases where a DL will outperform landing pages.
  9. chiruraaj

    How does Leadimpact share its traffic with long URL bidders?

    The person who bids on the shorter string gets most of the traffic. :)
  10. chiruraaj

    What payout offers do you recommend selecting for ppv traffic?

    Thanks for your answer, Luke. I have been trying to get the CTR up and will test more to get it further up. I will also try more dating now. :) I am using Maxbounty for that offer and they have been very good to me. It is great that you mention I submitted my Landing pages to you...
  11. chiruraaj

    PPV Spy tools!

    Hey K, Blackpops has a one time fee of $99 for lifetime access but it also has a wso on warrior forum which gives a straight 50% discount so that brings it down to 50$. I also think that it is a great value for money and was very helpful when I had just started with PPV. :)
  12. chiruraaj

    What payout offers do you recommend selecting for ppv traffic?

    Hey Luke, I have been doing PPV for around 6-8 months now and havent been able to get any offer that pays less than $3 profitable? Currently, I am running a biz opp offer thay pays $1.6 and even after running and optimizing it for 2 months I have been able to reach only break even for that...
  13. chiruraaj

    [Help] Targeting Facebook for dating offer?

    if you target you will get traffic for the root domain, whereas if you target you will also get traffic for deeper pages.
  14. chiruraaj

    [Help] Targeting Facebook for dating offer?

    If you target the main domain, you will get a flood of traffic which will not convert and make you lose money. You can target dating apps on facebook like I had some success targeting dating pages on facebook. :)
  15. chiruraaj

    Official PPVAffiliate Tool [Deleted]

    ...can use it to see how your Landing page will look in a Leadimpact pop-up browser. For this, I used other tools earlier but it showed a pop-up for 800*600 resolution whereas most of the Leadimpact pop-ups have a viewable area of 775*450. So, I made it accordingly. Let me know how it works for...
  16. chiruraaj

    How to optimize PPV campaign?

    Hi Stanelychong, It will depend on the amount of data that you have. If you only have a small data, then the one LP which converted might have been pure Luck. You should hide the keywords and then show us how much impressions they got, what ctr they got and then we can help. :)
  17. chiruraaj

    Looking For CPVLab + Maxbounty + LeadImpact Campaign Setup Guide

    Hi Srijon, Do you see "no click" after clicking on your landing page to go to the offer? If so, then your LP is working fine and it is a protection in place by cpvlab so that any random guy who directly puts your cpvlab url in their browser are not able to see the offer that you are promoting.
  18. chiruraaj

    Running Garcinia on PPV?

    I have tried to run the the garcinia cambogia free trial on LI but not the straight sale offer. The payout on the offer was 38$. After optimization, I ran it profitably for a month but then next two months I got a lot less conversions and the campaign reached almost break even. The CTR of my LP...
  19. chiruraaj

    LI $1000 now?

    Hi Snoop, They increased their initial deposit from 200 to $1000 around 3-4 months back. Yeah, it is a good traffic source and my primary traffic source but like anything u will have to do testing to find out what works there. :)
  20. chiruraaj

    What do you think of PPV as a traffic source?

    Hey Greg, First of all, I would like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions. SO my question is what do you think of PPV traffic quality? Some say it is cheap, some say it is costly as you are paying per impression and not click. Personally, I like it...