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  1. Smithee

    A learning place

    They might be slightly different but they aren't that different anymore. Gone are the days when you had to be web designer in order to manage a website. These days managing a website is as easy as managing a blog. I don't think you need to create a blog first then afterwards create a...
  2. Smithee

    Why Article submission is so important

    Ever since Google's penalized article directories, submitting articles to them will have ZERO impact on your rankings but as these sites still get traffic, they can be good places to promote your website and possibly draw some traffic from them to your site. That said, since this would be like...
  3. Smithee

    tool spin article?

    I'd suggest that you manually re-write articles you intend to post on your other site. Article spinners may make the creation of content easy but no matter how good they are, anyone visiting your site will notice that the articles have been spun and they'll leave your site quickly. Whatever it...
  4. Smithee

    How to Increase Your Views on YouTube

    More ways you could promote your videos: Get your friends to like your video. Videos with more likes often get viewed more. Be the first to like your video, others who watch the video might like it too. If you don't have a blog, create one, write blog posts and embed your youtube videos on...
  5. Smithee

    SMS Marketing horah

    I haven't tried SMS marketing either. While some companies which offer SMS marketing services may try to convince you that it works, from my experience, I receive numerous text messages I never buy anything being promoted. While yes there are a few people who may visit your site, since most...
  6. Smithee

    Forum Signatures — a question.

    Many forums allow users to have a forum signature which they can if they want to, use to promote their sites. However doing some research I learned that most forum users will not click on forum signatures that overtly try to promote their sites. Since most forum users who want to find out more...
  7. Smithee

    Free Marketing — Word of Mouth Marketing

    One would ask, does word of mouth marketing work any more? Of course it does but very few webmasters use it because they focus too much on marketing on the web. We all have co-workers, friends, family and relatives who can help use promote our blogs/sites/forums. You can ask them all to help...
  8. Smithee

    Getting Traffic From Low Traffic Sites

    Everyone knows blog commenting can be a good way to get some traffic from other blogs. However there's no guarantee that you'll get any traffic from blogs which get lots of traffic because odds are if you leave a comment and it's not on the first page, it might not be read. Your hard work will...
  9. Smithee

    Affiliate marketing and free websites/blogs?

    I've created a number of blogspot blogs in the past and none of them were deleted even though I did post a few affiliate links on the site. There had to be a reason why the blog was removed. You could try creating a blog on because they do allow some form of affiliate marketing...
  10. Smithee

    how type Blog is Good

    Since people are addicted to love and at any single time they'll always have someone they love in their lives, I think a blog about the "best gifts" to get loved ones can be quite lucrative. People visiting your site want to buy gifts and if you have some good articles about "best" gifts then...
  11. Smithee

    What is the Proper Keyword Density for SEO?

    2-3% is the ideal keyword density but you shouldn't start counting the number of times you use a keyword in an article. If your keyword is a part of your headline then odds are you are going to use that keyword several times in your article. Take the example of an article about cat food. How...
  12. Smithee

    Alternatives to AdSense

    The best alternative to adsense would be the Yahoo/Bing ad network. I assume their policies are similar and I believe they too don't send your earnings to you via paypal. The best adsense alternative for bloggers which pays to Paypal I believe is Adversal but they only accept sites that get at...
  13. Smithee

    Domain Parking

    You can add the domain you've registered and use it to redirect traffic to any website which because if people are searching for that domain then you might as well send that traffic to your site. IMHO it's much better than using a registrar's domain parking service because if you using it...
  14. Smithee

    How To Increase Website Traffic – Blog Commenting

    Guest posting works better IMHO. People may read your comments but only a few may click on your link. So if posting content on other sites is one way to draw traffic to your site why not try getting as many people as you can to visit your site? On more popular sites where they rarely accept...
  15. Smithee

    Domain Parking

    Domain parking is registering a domain so you can use it in future when you sell the domain name or create a website. Usually Domain parking is done to stop opportunists from registering a domain name you may want in future . . . You don't have to. You can use your domain registrar's domain...
  16. Smithee

    Using Wordpress

    You don't need to know how to code in order to use Wordpress that's unless you want to radically customize your theme. Most people use Wordpress and never have to edit their Wordpress theme but if you really want to I'm sure it's something you can learn in about a year or two if you apply...
  17. Smithee

    Asking For Links On Social Media?

    Whilst promoting your site and networking with other bloggers on social media should you ask them to link to your site? You don't promise to reciprocate in kind as this would be bad for your site. Sure it's possible that most won't bother to respond but it doesn't cost a thing to ask after all...
  18. Smithee

    Thoughts On Making Your Keywords Stand Out?

    I noticed this mentioned somewhere then saw it on a few other sites but since I hardly ever see it executed by most bloggers I don't know if it's that useful. Some SEO experts suggest that when writing an article you should format it in such a way that your keywords stand out. Use larger font...
  19. Smithee

    What are the benefits of Guest posting ?

    One good reason all bloggers should guest blog, and it has been mentioned by others is the traffic you'll get to your site. Whether you are getting a 'dofollow' backlink or not this is probably the easiest way to get readers for your blog. If your content is really helpful then some of the...
  20. Smithee

    Tips on managing multiple weibites

    I also think this would be a great way to manage your sites because you won't be forced to be on all sites every day. It could cause burnout. I also have another suggestion. If you regularly create content for all three websites then you need an editorial calender. You can create content for...