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Do you want to maximize the profits of your in-page ads? Then you have to keep up with the times to maintain relevance. But there is one more little secret to manage: ClickAdilla’s developers have improved the in-page to customize and reach the best quality of your traffic. Let's find out step by step!

What is in-page?​

In-page is a display advertisement reminiscent of push notifications. The format is characterized by high nativeness since there is no user interruption. Here are the main advantages of in-page:
– Wide audience coverage since user permission is not required to receive notifications, so you can reach iOS users as well;
– Good visibility and no banner blindness due to good user experience;
– Independence from browser updates, which is why your in-page advertising always reaches users in the best possible way.

In a nutshell, in-page managed to take the main advantages of banners and push notifications. But despite the ready efficiency of the format, we found a way to maximize your performance!

What are the updates?​

Login to your ClickAdilla account and start creating an in-page ad as you always do. You will notice additional functionality – select the type and group. This is where the very increase in traffic relevance lies!

There are ad types, which vary depending on their popularity in a particular vertical. Look at the pictures to see how your creatives may change:


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There are 5 groups – choose a vertical to tailor your ads to the user experience of your target audience:
– standard
– dating
– utilities
– gambling
– betting

Note: If you do not select a type and group, your creative format will be automatically selected.

Why use this feature?​

Nowadays, personalization has become one of the main tools of successful affiliate marketers. Information chaos requires increased relevance in the fight for user attention. The new functionality allows you to achieve this by simplifying your advertising processes! Here are the advantages:

– Your advertisement stands out among the main content of browsers and you get higher visibility.
– Create a positive user experience thanks to adaptability to your audience.
– In-page is a new advertisement, and the new functionality allows you to get all the advantages of the new format.
– The functionality is aimed at increasing user engagement, which directly affects clicks and return on your investment.
– Increased efficiency of A/B tests due to the possibility of detailed testing.

The main advantage is the opportunity to remain a priority in a highly competitive environment. This expands your chances of maximizing profits in any vertical and any GEO including Tier 1.

How to use?​

Achieve maximum personalization of your ad in 6 simple steps:
1. Log in to your account
2. Click on “ads” and select in-page.
3. Click on “create in-page”.
4. Add a title, description, icon, and picture.
5. Select 1 of 5 groups corresponding to your vertical.
6. Select 1 of 4 types to personalize your campaign for your target users.


ClickAdilla's tip: to make it perfect, create multiple creatives for better performance!

That's all! Now you can launch your campaign and experience a new level of personalization to stay one step ahead of your competitors.

Click the button to experience the power of in-page and maximize ROI

>> Boost Your ROI <<

Get creative, get noticed, and get results with unique Icons!

Get ready to make a lasting impression with our newly implemented feature for Tab Direct Link ads: special icons!

We know that standing out in the digital advertising space is crucial, and we want to empower you with tools that make your campaigns shine. With our latest update, you now have the ability to add eye-catching icons to your Tab Direct Link ads, grabbing the attention of your target audience like never before.

Tab Direct Link is an ad format that appears as an element of a browser tab to show targeted ads. Tab Direct Link ads are effective for attracting customers and generating traffic for offers or promotions.

When users click on a Tab Direct Link ad, they are instantly redirected to your landing page or website in a new tab. It provides a seamless experience without interrupting their browsing.
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These icons act as visual cues, instantly capturing the interest of users and inviting them to click through to your website. Whether you want to highlight a limited-time offer, showcase a new product, or simply make your ad more captivating, these icons will do the trick!

Creating your Tab Direct Link ad with icons is a breeze. Moreover, it's simple:

1. Log in to your ClickAdilla account
direct link 1.png

2. Navigate to the ad creation section

3. Choose Tab-direct link ad format
direct link 2.png

4. Add your ad or create a new one
direct link 3.png

5. You'll find a wide selection of attention-grabbing icons to choose from
direct link 4.png

6. Pick the one that aligns best with your campaign's message and watch your engagement soar!
New and unique icons for tab direct link ad format offer increased visibility and engagement while delivering a convenient and streamlined experience.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to elevate your advertising game. Take advantage of our new Tab Direct Link ad format with special icons, and see the impact it has on your campaign's performance. Start capturing the attention of your audience and driving more clicks, conversions, and success!

Ready to level up your advertising?

Use unique ClickAdilla's icons for tab-direct link and get noticed, get results!


We are glad to announce that we have added new ad formats for our RTB users!

ClickAdilla SSP, the platform that leverages real-time bidding (RTB) technology for programmatic advertising, has made all its ad formats available to its RTB users. This move means that advertisers and marketers can now buy ad impressions and clicks programmatically via DSP using any ad format via ClickAdilla Supply-Side Platform.
RTB is a digital advertising model that refers to the portion of the online ad market that uses an auction model to buy and sell ad impressions in real time. It is an automated process that leverages several methods to ensure the instantaneous placement of ads on websites and mobile apps. ClickAdilla's SSP works on the basis of OpenRTB protocol to send a bid request to the list of advertisers, who then respond with a bid price for the impression.
One of the benefits of RTB and programmatic advertising is that it allows advertisers to target their ads more effectively. Instead of placing ads on websites and hoping that the right people see them, programmatic advertising uses information about the user to place ads that are more relevant to them. This means that the user is more likely to engage with the ad and take action.

Choose Your Ad Format via RTB buying​

With ClickAdilla's SSP, advertisers can choose from a wide range of ad formats to reach their target audience. Here are 7 ad formats available on the platform:
Banner Ads
Banner Ads

They are essentially rectangular ads that appear at the top or bottom of a webpage, or within the content of the page itself. Banner ads are a great way to promote brand awareness and to drive traffic to a website or landing page.
Native Ads
Native Ads

They are ads that are designed to look and feel like the content that surrounds them, resulting in a more seamless and less intrusive advertising experience for users. Native ads can be placed within the content of a webpage or within a mobile app, and are a great way to promote products or services in a more organic way.
Popunder Ads
Popunder Ads

Popunder ads are ads that appear in a new browser window underneath the current browser window. They are often considered to be a more intrusive form of advertising, but they can be highly effective if used correctly.
Web Push Ads
Web Push Ads

They are ads that appear as notifications on a user's desktop or mobile device, even when they are not currently browsing the internet. Web push ads are a great way to target users who are not actively searching for a product or service, but who may be interested in it nonetheless.
In-Page Ads
In-Page Ads

In-page ads are ads that appear within the content of a web page. This is an advertising display format and can appear on any side of the screen. In-page push doesn't need a subscription, so there are no restrictions for iOS users. The advertising push will be seen by all users who have visited the site.
In-Page notifications work according to a single scenario:
1. The user gets to the site;
2. InPage push instantly pops up on any device (or after the trigger is triggered)
3. The user sees the ad and clicks on it
*The notification will not disappear until the user clicks on the ad, closes the push, or reloads the page.
Video Ads
Video Ads

Video ads are a highly engaging form of online advertising that have become increasingly popular in recent years. Video ads can be highly effective at promoting brand awareness and driving traffic to a website or landing page.
Interstitial Ads
Interstital Ads

Interstitial ads are ads that appear between pages or screens within an app or website. They are often used to promote products or services in a highly engaging way, and are particularly effective at promoting mobile apps.


In conclusion, with ClickAdilla's SSP you can more effectively target your ads and reach your desired audience, which can ultimately lead to higher engagement and better results for their campaigns. So if you're looking to maximize your advertising budget and achieve greater success with your affiliate marketing campaigns, ClickAdilla's Supply-Side Platform is the way to go.


Premium publishers in affiliate marketing are high-quality websites or content creators that have a strong reputation, large audience, and high engagement rates. Read more in today's article.

What are premium publishers?​

Premium publishers in affiliate marketing are high-quality websites or content creators that have a strong reputation, large audience, and high engagement rates. Premium publishers can generate substantial traffic, conversions, and revenue for advertisers. Premium publishers stand out among other traffic sources with 3 key factors:

  • Big traffic volumes;
  • High traffic quality;
  • Not overwhelmed with ads.
Adult premium publishers may include high-traffic websites or content creators. They are known for their ability to drive targeted traffic, engage audiences, and deliver high-quality leads or sales for their affiliate partners. Premium publishers offer a higher level of value and exposure compared to regular publishers in affiliate marketing.

ClickAdilla’s RTB premium publishers’ sources are now open to one of the most popular ad formats - popunder. The key value for advertisers is the earnings from purchases made by our traffic, so we focus on conversions by constantly optimizing the work of our AI to filter out low-converting traffic.

The concept of filtering is important.
Here are several premium RTB sources you may place your ad at:

Why do you need RTB Premium Publishers?​

There are several reasons why affiliate marketers should consider working with premium publishers:

1. Larger Audience: Premium publishers typically have a larger and more engaged audience compared to regular publishers. They may have a significant following on their website, blog, social media accounts, or other online platforms, which can translate into higher visibility and exposure for the affiliate marketer's products or services.

2. Quality Traffic: Premium publishers often generate organic, high-quality, targeted traffic that is more likely to convert into sales or leads with low percentage of bots and DCH.

*DCH - proxy type DCH means that the proxy IP comes from a data center and not a residential user. As a result, it is challenging to draw the portrait of such audience and, consequently, offer relevant products or services.

3. High conversion rates. Their audience is usually more engaged, interested, and relevant to the affiliate marketer's niche, which can result in better conversion rates and higher earnings.

4. Competitive Advantage: Collaborating with premium publishers can give the affiliate marketer a competitive advantage over other affiliates. Premium publishers are often selective about the products or services they promote and may have limited partnerships, which can result in less competition and higher visibility for the affiliate marketer's offerings.

How to start with ClickAdilla’s RTB Premium Publishers?​

If you want to start working with RTB premium publishers, please, contact your personal account manager after registering in the system. RTB premium publishers’ sources do not interfere with other source categories. So, if you have premium or sensitive demand, you are welcome to test our premium traffic.

Overall, working with ClickAdilla’s RTB premium publishers in affiliate marketing can provide numerous benefits, including access to a larger audience, increased credibility and quality organic traffic. It's important for affiliate marketers to carefully evaluate and select premium publishers that align with their niche, target audience, and overall marketing strategy to maximize their chances of success in the affiliate marketing industry.

In the near future, we plan to expand our offering and provide premium traffic for other formats such as video and banners. So, if you're looking for a reliable partner for your ad campaigns, don't hesitate to reach out to us and get real organic traffic. Check out yourself!


Have you ever thought about buying the whole website traffic just for your ads? We will tell you why it may be more beneficial than a standard ad campaign. Meet ClickAdilla’s Marketplace where making a flat deal is as easy as ABC!

ClickAdilla launched a significant update – the Marketplace where anyone can make a flat deal or, in other words, purchase the whole traffic on a certain website and a certain format for a definite period of time.

What is ClickAdilla's Marketplace?

The marketplace is a ClickAdilla service where advertisers can buy the whole traffic for a definite website, ad format, and a certain period of time. It is an interface where you can choose a flat deal among 15 premium websites and 4 ad formats for up to 30 days. You can find prices, impressions, total visits, website global rank, top countries, and audience distribution there.


You can make a flat deal from:

This is how it works: you get the product you want to promote, come to ClickAdilla, define the ad format, target the Tier group, and one of ClickAdilla’s premium sources. Then you make a flat deal, which will guarantee you receive all ad format traffic from one particular source for a definite time period.

Why choose flat deals in ClickAdilla?

  1. You don’t have to care about bids and auctions - the whole traffic is yours. There is no competition for impressions.
  2. You always get the traffic. No matter what the situation at the auction, you will always win.
  3. Your ads become more noticeable. As your ad will be on the same spot in 100% of cases with no rotation, sooner or later users will take notice of your ad. Moreover, the permanence of your ad on a website makes it look trustable – so people click more easily.
  4. Reserve a top spot for your offer. Choose an ad spot that best suits your offer and it will be all yours. If your offer and a website work well together, it is better to reserve the ad spot there to always have impressions.
  5. More profitable than a regular ad campaign. If the bid at the RTB auction goes up, it won't concern you – you always get your traffic.

Flat deals are available for:

● Tier groups (Tier 1, 2, 3);
● Ad formats (Popunder, In-stream, Tab-direct Link, Banner);
● Time range (you may make a flat deal for a range from 1 to 30 days);
● ClickAdilla’s premium websites – they are in the TOP traffic on the Internet.

How to make a flat deal?

  1. Sign in to your ClickAdilla account;
  2. Go to the sidebar menu on the left and choose “Marketplace”;
  3. Choose any of the available flat deals.

Flat deals are a new decision for advertising. If you need quality traffic without competition and at low prices, try out our new feature and monetize your campaigns with ClickAdilla’s flat deals.

>> Join ClickAdilla <<
DSP ad platform or Traffic DSP is a new ClickAdilla feature allowing users to buy traffic directly from any supply-side platform without paying the margin. Now advertisers can run their campaigns on several different traffic sources from one single interface. The price for the traffic is much lower than a usual campaign has. Watch our Youtube Video about Traffic DSP <-

What means Traffic DSP?

DSP platforms became popular among advertisers due to the convenience of working with them and low traffic prices. Traffic DSP is a service developed by ClickAdilla where customers can purchase traffic from third-party suppliers automatically using one interface. It is a demand-side platform DSP for programmatic media buying working on a real-time bidding base. This service is made for advertisers, affiliate marketers, agencies, and business owners. ClickAdilla’s DSP advertising platform is made to ease running campaigns on several traffic sources.

When starting work with Traffic DSP make sure you created advertising accounts and replenished your balance on the third-party suppliers where you would like to buy traffic. Advertising budgets on third-party sources are fully managed by the user.



Benefits of media buying via Traffic DSP

  • Optimize your time when managing several campaigns on our DSP marketing platform;
  • Advertise efficiently with direct traffic buying – there is no overpaying for the agencies’ margin;
  • Control and operate your ad campaigns’ process & statistics using one personal cabinet in ClickAdilla;
  • Get extra traffic filtration for the side sources with the help of ClickAdilla's advanced DSP filter instruments;
  • Pick any side traffic supplier that has RTB or XML media buying and integrate it as a third-party SSP into ClickAdilla.
  • Get a personal manager consultation any time you need.

! Remember: You are only charged a fixed price for the service, you do not pay for the traffic by purchasing Traffic DSP.

Read more in our Article <-

To get more information about Traffic DSP and connecting third-party traffic suppliers inside your ClickAdilla’s personal interface, please contact support:

Run your advertising campaigns wisely with ClickAdilla!

Hi, I have great news!

You can now check the list of mobile apps that will display your ad.

More than 4700 apps are already available on your dashboard!

This is a great opportunity to get more mainstream traffic from mobile apps through ClickAdilla.

In this article you’ll find:
✅ Why in-app advertising is a must for marketers
✅ Mobile app audience
✅ In-app banner sizes
✅ Benefits of in-app banner ads
✅ TOP-5 GEOs

black- friday-2021-clickadilla-bonuses.png

The Black November is in full swing. All brands are participating in this Grand Sale of the Year and ClickAdilla is no exception. We have prepared bonuses for all advertisers: for new guys and regulars.

Apply promo code BLACK2021 and get +7% to the first deposit. Minimum amount for replenishment is $100.

Current clients can get additional 5% to the deposit with promocode BackinBlack by replenishing at least $500.

Don’t delay. These coupons are valid until December 1st , 2021


Claim your pack of 30 examples of push notifications for the upcoming holiday season.
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Here is our Digest with the latest blog posts.

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Log in to check out Prices and Traffic volume.