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Video Marketing


New Member
Has anyone got any advice on video marketing? Which sites are best and which methods?

Can you post promotional videos on youtube or google video as long as they are informational and of interest to the users?

Any info on this would be great i cant find that much info on this subject - thanks.
so you can make a blatant advert and it will stay up?

I thought maybe the best method would be to make a short video in relation to the company but doesnt mention it then at the end show the url and company for people to click through.

Has anyone done any advertising on here or other sites like this? I would like to come up with a good method to ensure regular traffic and for the video to stay up!
unless you plan to post child pornography or torture your clip will stay on youtube.

You could always take a leaf out of shane meadows book. Somers Town is actually a commercial for eurostar.
You should post promotional videos on youtube or google video and make sure they are informational and of interest to the users. Coz, irrelevant videos can't get you regular visitors. If you want to target audience for your website, then you must post the videos based on your website topic which user could find useful.