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Domain hosting


New Member
Hi all,

Is domain hosting necessarily required if you're running only one campaign at a time? I guess I don't understand the need for domain hosting if the landing page company I use(landingi) handles all traffic to my landing pages.

I'm sure I'm way off base and that's why I'm asking the question. Appreciate the help!
Of course you can use someone else's site and you may want to until you have enough funds to start building your own assets but here's a couple of things to consider....

The thing about having your own domain is that it's yours, not some other company's. You can use it for branding and if you decide on a site/blog in the future, you've got it. Also, the longer you hang onto it (and use it for good, not evil), the greater your domain authority could potentially be. It can also be an asset to be sold off later, especially if it has good DA and an active double opt-in subscriber list. ;)

If you have your own domain and hosting, you control how they're used and unless you break some kind of law or forget to renew, no one can take them away from you.
if you create landing pages that are hosted on a server (qualifier: that can handle the traffic you will buy) you don't really need a host server and a 'headquarters' domain.

But you look official if you have a website as your internet business address ;)
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