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Feedback Do you like the new affiliatefix update?

Do you like the new update?

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My comments are here.
Haven't noticed anything else so far really.

**just noticed the thread excerpt -- I like that :)
I replied a few times in Graybeard's thread too. Maybe I should move it to Feedback, as some issues were mentioned there.

I really like the clean, new look but don't like the live links being the same colour as the rest of the text.

Everything else, I think I just need to learn where things are now. So far, some poking around, I've been able to find what I need. Shouldn't take too long for it to become familiar, I think.
I replied a few times in Graybeard's thread too. Maybe I should move it to Feedback, as some issues were mentioned there.

I really like the clean, new look but don't like the live links being the same colour as the rest of the text.

Everything else, I think I just need to learn where things are now. So far, some poking around, I've been able to find what I need. Shouldn't take too long for it to become familiar, I think.
I think it looks great. It’s a bit clunky on mobile but once I get in and see it on my pc I will be able to have a good look around.
Personally I didn't like those red color fonts with that light red background. Looking so odd. The previous one was looking better.

updated emojis
More to come...

It’s a bit clunky on mobile
Correct! That will take me a week or so to finish up.

I think I just need to learn where things are now.
Some new thread types coming in the next couple of days. Questions Threads and Article Threads. More on this in an upcoming video discussing the new options.

Is there a merge threads function?
Really good question, and if it's in there, I will enable it!

I didn't like those red color fonts
I am going to experiment in the coming days with fonts and colors.
A member is reporting the following:

" I've had about 20 emails so far today - the same email is coming in every half hour.

The subject is "Once your account is approved, please confirm your account and introduce yourself." - something is triggering this over and over again.

Anyone else having this issue?
Change brings opportunity
Liking comments with an angry face! o_O
Sure there's gonna be some tweaks
Overall it look fine and dandy
I assume you mean your own. ;) That exists actually, in upgrade accounts.
Yeah that’s what I meant. IMO I think members with a certain amount of posts, or their account meets an age requirement should be able to delete their posts at will. It should not be such a premium feature but that’s just me ;) . What’s the reason this is locked behind a paywall? Is it to incentivise people to upgrade their accounts? I’m just a bit curious:affiliatefix:
I'm saving important Affiliate Fix threads in Way Back Machine
Most are my own threads (in case forum goes offline, or I get banned :eek:)
@Aiden L what reason would you want to delete a post? Curious
If you want to delete any sensitive content then edit and it's gone
also this is a feedback thread so I was just giving a suggestion.

Wasn't meant as a criticism, friend
Here's idea - we should ask for a Games Room
Simple old school games like Yahoo Billiards and such
What do you think @Aiden L?
Games could also be affiliate related
Maybe with league tables too?
Or maybe I should not drink so early in the day .....