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Yahoo Search Submit Basic - How Does it Work




How does Yahoo Search Submit Basic work? I can't find any info on how your site listing is generated. If I pay per click I can gage where I'll appear, but I can't find where it explains how paying £49 per year will get me listed and where!!!

Any help please
YSS is NOT pay per performance it is pay for INCLUSION. The only real benefit is that they guarantee to refresh yyour site ever 2 days, and you get some stats as well.

it does NOT get you ranked, it just gets you included

Pay for inclusion (PFI)
Pay for Positiopn (PFP) it isn't

Hope that explains things better.
Thanks... That means it's not for us as we'd probably be on page 100+ :)

What direction should we take to get more traffic? I've read many articles about PR, SEO and promotions, but don't have the time ourselves, so, need to outsource this to a 3rd party.

We also want some partners to offer other services like SEO etc to our customers to help their sites increase traffic. Adverts, partnerships etc would be welcomed. We're growing at a healthy rate and with a decent client base there's got to be more ways of getting revenue out of our current client base.

Any recomendations would be appreciated.

We may be able to help on a small scale if you are an online trader.
Our system works of PPC and because we are new, the price is low. only 10p per unique click.
If interested, visit and if you need more info, let me know
I hope this helps
Richard Grove