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This may double your conversions!


Well-Known Member
Well so they claim:

Research: Friction at the critical moment​

You might think that a service that saves hundreds of dollars should sell itself, but our Research Department identified numerous opportunities for improvement and testing.

For example, funnel analysis showed that many potential customers abandoned the registration process at step six, when asked to submit their contact details. This is not unusual. Commitments create decision points… high‑stakes moments for customers and businesses alike.

These moments—often happening right before a sale—are high‑leverage opportunities for growth.

  • Or, give with one hand and take-away with the other, version of the take-away trial close
  • You could also vary this with the timing possibly --fill out page 1 of the form
  • Then require the email to continue --cut bait, set the hook, reel them in ;)

documented study here -> Win Report: How blurring the results doubled sign-ups for a utility comparison website | Conversion Rate Experts

The site this tactic is tested on -> Compare broadband providers with glimp for free

Usually, this is a jQuery overlay with a modal
basic code is here -> Simple jQuery Plugin For Opening A Popup Window On Page load

I am sure there is a WP plugin available this has been around for some time.