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Remember me?

Well, where do I begin?

- I stepped down from a supervisory role at work due to stress, pay (or lack thereof) and other reasons. This in itself has been a major life change.
- I took Paul’s advice quite a while back and started pyramiding my sites to the top ( I currently have 5 websites with 2 more in the immediate future and one more sometime later this year.
- I've started re-selling webspace and currently have two accounts that I host. It's not a killing but every little bit helps.
- I've started skinning vehicles for upcoming movies that really do nothing other than pimp my sites and offer some cool eye candy. I've also created a new site called that will focus on recreating historical events through gameplay.
- I've accepted a staffing position at
- I've compiled all the info. I need to legally start creating my own custom phpnuke themes online and selling them.
- Later in the year, I hope to start channeling some of the donations made to my websites to charities such as Unicef and Amnesty International.
- I was offered (and refused) to have all my sites, site expenses, webhosting, etc., picked up and provided to me for free from a major gaming website.
- I had my mail server hi-jacked and have created a lot of changes to ensure it doesn't happen again.
- I've been creating artwork for websites that need headers in my spare time (or lack thereof). My skillz are still not there so it takes me a very long time to come up with something even half decent.
- I've faced some very hard truths in regards to my limitations as a webmaster and have setup a plan to take positive action to change these shortcomings.
- I spend way more time with my daughter than I ever had in the past.

That's the short list off the top of my head. Essentially, I've done a lot of reading (none of it SEO I'm afraid) and have a better understanding of my place online. The road has been somewhat rocky for me over the past while but things are starting to even out. I have a lot more work ahead of me but I can say that I'm finally happy with how things seem to be progressing.
You have been a busy bee, well done. You left of one important charity in the list of good causes you plan to donate proceeds of you efforts to; me :)

Good luck