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Rate One Another`s Squidoo Lenses

Squidoo claims to be like Wikipedia, but with lots of pages on the same subject. For example I made one about the possible risk of Gold Confiscation by the US government, as happened in the depression era. I can't post it here yet because I don't have 10 postingsa, but if you do a Google search you might find it...
Gold Confiscation by the US Government on Squidoo

So I really believe Squidoo provides a worthwhile service

Ed and
Squidoo claims to be like Wikipedia, but with lots of pages on the same subject.

That was one of the original claims, not sure they shout too much about it now though. The advantage over a wiki style page is that you are the sole editor and no one can come along and corrupt your entry, also you can monetize it :)

One of the popular uses of squidoo is to make 'fan' pages, whether for your favorite person, film, book, etc. Using the squidoo wikipedia module you can also grab content from wikipedia to do so too! Then add a bit about why you think the person/film/book is great in the intro, add a poll to get people to interact, or a plexo (like a poll but list shows in order of popularity), add a few poloroids, use the talk bubble to add some quotes, the blackbox to higlight a few facts, and add a amazon and ebay module to link to a few relevant items. If the subject has already been covered on squidoo, see if you can do better, or do it from a different angle.
For example I made one about the possible risk of Gold Confiscation by the US government,
submit it to the group of it's published and I'll add it to the featured lenses.
There are some other types of lenses, still on Squidoo, that will give you a slightly different format. Have a look at,, and There's a complete list (with examples) at

(Oh, and HI, by the way)
There are some other types of lenses, still on Squidoo, that will give you a slightly different format. Have a look at,, and There's a complete list (with examples) at

(Oh, and HI, by the way)

Think I'll move over now as the forum SquidGuru, thefluffanutta has heaps more experience, expertise and knowledge of squidoo than I do! ;)
Having said that, I gotta say, I'm not a huge fan of co-branding, my lenses get very little traffic.

Seeing as fluff can't post links yet, here's a link to his lens bio - Squidoo : Lensmaster Page

All said & done ! It is not easy to make money from Squidoo! It is hard work! You have to work at it & on the lens and treat it as any site & give loads of input in terms of time etc.

All those who make money - have done proper research & link back to their lenses with proper anchor text etc.

If u were to work so hard at your own site - wouldn't you make an equivalent or even more money?

See another thread - Mister Wong
If u were to work so hard at your own site - wouldn't you make an equivalent or even more money?

Very possibly if I could focus on a particular niche! Instead I find squidoo great for developing my 'skills' at web publishing, treating each page as a mini-site on the subject that catches my imagination at the time. Also it allows me to experiment with niches that I may develop into websites in future. Meanwhile I have no webhosting charges or do I have to search and pay for a relevant URL, and squidoo pages usually get googled and start getting traffic within days of publishing.

I'd never make a claim to be a full-time web publisher, but with my squidoo earnings this month it certainly is making it seem a viable full time income within the next 6 months. Whilst very little of this was actually directly from squidoo, most of it was from affiliate links, though the $'s from squidoo are always nice.

I'm also branching out slightly building a niche site which should be up and running within the next month or 2, when complete I'll probably make half a dozen related squidoo lenses to direct traffic to it, which will also hopefully get search engine spiders crawling through it to my site.

Training Wheels For Affiliates - is a good description of squidoo, though they do prefer to call it a 'social marketing' site. If you want traffic from squidoo for your website and good backlinks, create some good content and let it do it's business and only bother to update it every other month or so. Don't get caught up in chasing 'lensrank', whilst you may get community kudos for a high lensrank, unless it translates into visitors and commissions it does not matter. I class performance of my lenses by how much money they make me, and these are usually not those squidoo rank highly, often they do not relate at all to those that are visited more either.
Thanks Roo! Much appreciated! Now I have to try some affiliate links on Squidoo, when I get some time. :sweat:

Do you know of some good affiliate companies that you are happy to recommend?

Very possibly if I could focus on a particular niche! Instead I find squidoo great for developing my 'skills' at web publishing, treating each page as a mini-site on the subject that catches my imagination at the time. Also it allows me to experiment with niches that I may develop into websites in future. Meanwhile I have no webhosting charges or do I have to search and pay for a relevant URL, and squidoo pages usually get googled and start getting traffic within days of publishing.

I'd never make a claim to be a full-time web publisher, but with my squidoo earnings this month it certainly is making it seem a viable full time income within the next 6 months. Whilst very little of this was actually directly from squidoo, most of it was from affiliate links, though the $'s from squidoo are always nice.

I'm also branching out slightly building a niche site which should be up and running within the next month or 2, when complete I'll probably make half a dozen related squidoo lenses to direct traffic to it, which will also hopefully get search engine spiders crawling through it to my site.

Training Wheels For Affiliates - is a good description of squidoo, though they do prefer to call it a 'social marketing' site. If you want traffic from squidoo for your website and good backlinks, create some good content and let it do it's business and only bother to update it every other month or so. Don't get caught up in chasing 'lensrank', whilst you may get community kudos for a high lensrank, unless it translates into visitors and commissions it does not matter. I class performance of my lenses by how much money they make me, and these are usually not those squidoo rank highly, often they do not relate at all to those that are visited more either.
I have gone through all the lens previously posted and contributed via rating/comment/lensroll to them luckily they were all great lenses worthy of a 5* rating so if you notice a comment by sportsman then that is me.

If anyone wants to reciprocate in any way shape or form here are a few of mine.
Money On Betfair
Wimbledon Tennis
Any contribution would be welcomed thanks.

Squidoo has very strict TOS on promoting gambling, this lens is likely to breach that and if reported it will be locked and your account possibly closed as well. Pre-empt this action by deleting the lens.

BTW - I just broke the magic Top 100 and have had a lens in the top 100 overall lenses for 3 days now :dance2:
BTW - I just broke the magic Top 100 and have had a lens in the top 100 overall lenses for 3 days now :dance2:

congrats, giving how much time you put into squidoo, you should be in the top 100 permanently :)
congrats, giving how much time you put into squidoo, you should be in the top 100 permanently :)

Thanks Temi

Though giving how I do spend so much time doing squidoo stuff I think I should be in a padded cell not the top 100!
It`s amazing. I don`t visit my lens all that often, maybe once or twice a week. Yet, almost every time I do, I see that another lensmaster has `favorited` mine, or more commonly joined my `fan club` or made a comment.

I suppose that proves that with very little effort in promoting others are still looking at my lens, which is pleasing.

Needless to say, out of courtesy, if anyone goes to the trouble of posting on mine, rating it, etc, then I will always go and reciprocate. :friends:
This is amazing! I think some of come up with things like this:

- Join each other's fanclub and send a squidcast when we create or update a lens.
- discuss more about some innovative stuffs and share the idea of new lens.
- Why cant we build a chain of lens, e.g. a person started a topic in squidoo and another one is presenting counter view of same. This way we can inspire other lensmasters to notice and write something about it.
i am working on maximum social media websites, and getting great,,,my other team member do have it, and working good..