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OffersMansion!! Let`s rock out together with CPA


New Member
Hello! My name is Joey Howard from OffersMansion affiliate manager. I hope for close cooperation and I will always be happy to help you.
We work with Adult, Dating, Nutra and Others vertical
Welcome to AffiliateFix!

I see that you have already submitted your resource vendor application, thank-you for taking care of that so quickly.

Looking forward to seeing your company posts after you receive your approval.

Any questions, or if you need any help, just let us know. :)
Hello! My name is Joey Howard from OffersMansion affiliate manager. I hope for close cooperation and I will always be happy to help you.
We work with Adult, Dating, Nutra and Others vertical
welcome Joey :)
great to have OffersMansion here on the forum. With your focus on adult, dating, and nutra verticals, I’m sure there will be plenty of opportunities to collaborate and share insights. If you have any specific offers or strategies that are performing well, feel free to share - we also deal in those verticals if you'd like to discuss in private, please sem