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Excellent original navigation menu

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New Member

I come across this site while reviewing sites submitted to one of my directories, I think its brilliant, I particularly like the way colour are used in the navigation menu.

What do you think? The full site url BTW is: Mackintosh's - Creative food and catering for parties, weddings and events
I've actually seen something similar and in addition when one color menu bar is clicked that bar and all other bars to the right from it would move to the right hand side of the page...
I've always wanted to do something like that I might use it on my next layout :D
I hate it with a vengence LOL. Sorry but we read text left to right, I ate vertical text in navigation, and I hate reverse block text also :(
I'll be honest, I didn't find it that useable. I'm generally pretty good at reading text upside down/back to front etc, but I just found it too difficult. Maybe because there was text to the left and right of it, so whilst I knew I had to read the text up and down, my eyes were reading left to right, if that amkes sense.
I'll be honest, I didn't find it that useable. I'm generally pretty good at reading text upside down/back to front etc, but I just found it too difficult. Maybe because there was text to the left and right of it, so whilst I knew I had to read the text up and down, my eyes were reading left to right, if that amkes sense.

EXACTLY RW, first and foremost a site must be EASILY USABLE!
I think sometimes, a site should just stop you in your tracks, that was the effect this had on me, I have been reviewing over 30 unmemorable sites that I cannot even remember till I come across this and posted about it.
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