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Do you use your real name for your online marketing?


<b>5 Star Moderator</b>
On blogs, articles, about us pages, etc? My question generates from the fact that I live in an area of the country that has open, free to the public listings of property deeds, real estate assessments, etc. This allows any loon to find our home address if they know my legal name & county. I know enough to get a pob for using at the bottom of sites, but that will still let people know the county. No, there is no way to have these records redacted except for certain professions (police. Judges etc). Thoughts??
I used to but only in the early days. I think for me it's important to keep my internet marketing compartmentalized.
Causes problems in some of the networking sites though

I got an email from ecademy today demanding to see my passport. Apparently they have not heard of pen names. Obviously I have ignored this email

I suppose if you register a pen name/ pseudonym then you should be okay.
I have always used my real name without a problem. Then again I don't own my property. Once I do, I might not want to share that address so willingly. With the internet it is tough to keep all that stuff private though. If people want to find out bad enough they usually will.
well using real name, wont it build a better reputation and trust?

I am not sure that it does. The rich jerk managed to get a huge following for himself or herself and I still do not know who he is. Not that I am interested to find out.
It's about personal preference
On blogs, articles, about us pages, etc? My question generates from the fact that I live in an area of the country that has open, free to the public listings of property deeds, real estate assessments, etc. This allows any loon to find our home address if they know my legal name & county. I know enough to get a pob for using at the bottom of sites, but that will still let people know the county. No, there is no way to have these records redacted except for certain professions (police. Judges etc). Thoughts??

Branding your real name does in fact come with "risks" I guess...although I have used mine online for 4 years and not one instance of any kind.

IMHO, it's not as bad as you think. :cool:
my real name and location are all over the internet anyways as I am a DJ..... never had anyone knock on my door or anything crazy like that, my internet marketing shouldnt change that I dont think??
I use my real name wherever they request for my name on the internet even my username here is a prove of this though i plused my surname with my first name and removed my middle name.
well I think its up to the user, as RichKid Said it wont make it better, in my case I always use a nick name, and most of my active domains are private just in case
Now a days It's not hard to find someone's address anyway and as for myself I don't look at anyone more "trustworthy" because they use thier own names. Either way I don't think it matters IMO.
It's better to used real name to build a rapport between you and your customer. Real names indicates that you are sincere and truthful in every dealings you have.