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  1. C

    Hiding PPC traffic from analytic tools

    When buying PPC ads, the traffic will be identified as "display traffic" by online analytics tools (e.g. For example, if I buy a lot of PPC ads from PropellerAds, everyone can check my website profile on and know that most of the traffic is "display traffic" with...
  2. Kay Huang

    What is the best traffic source for my product?

    I've just started using Similar Web, can you help me to get some results from the stats that I got from them? A. Here is the traffic sources listed by Similar Web for the product I want to promote: Please help me to analyze the results here. You can see that traffic from Mail and Search are...
  3. Kay Huang

    How to use Similar Web to decide what is the best traffic source?

    I've just started using Similar Web, can you help me to get some results from the stats that I got from them? A. Here is the traffic sources listed by Similar Web for the product I want to promote: Please help me to analyze the results here. You can see that traffic from Mail and Search are...
  4. Kay Huang

    According to sites like Similar Web, Email Marketing doesn't work for some products?

    I learned that you can get information about where the traffic come from for a particular site by using Similar Web, SEMrush, Alexa, etc. I put the url of the sales page of the clickbank product that I want to promote into the search bar of Similar Web, and the No.1 source of traffic was...
  5. K

    Similarweb: display traffic vs referral traffic

    Hi, I am now looking at and I have a question. Similarweb breaks the traffic down into categories, among which is Referrals and Display. For example, this offer Connecting Site... has 98% referrals, 2% display. And this is confusing. 1) When a visitor clicks some banner for...