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  1. I

    Instagram is about to become Legendary!

    Hey everyone, I’ve noticed Instagress is down, and we’ve created an alternative called Instalegendary - It's just like Instagress, we offer a completely free 7-day trial, and we are the only company to be in line with Instagram's current Terms of Service which is huge. We...
  2. TheDutchLegend

    Journey Instagram Domination Squad [CASE STUDY]

    Introduction. I am TheDutchLegend. I am from Netherlands. I am doing instagram very long time. I have tried many things and many methods. Now i am going to try to maximize my earnings with Instagram. I am going to grow 10 Instagram Accounts from 0 followers to 100k followers and then monetize...
  3. sam4

    MassPlanner Instagram help please

    Hello AF members, I am facing problem in MassPlanner while putting my instagram working. Problem is that I have setup everything on my MP but still i'm not getting a single follower not even my IG account followed a single account (nutshell account is not geting anything) Basically let me...