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  1. Honeybadger

    Can a high bounce rate be GOOD for SEO?

    So I have a 'bounce rate' theory that goes against everything I've read about SEO Goes like this Jane is looking for red wide lens sunglasses to buy She searches Google and finds 'Sunglass Heaven' online store On the first page is a banner that reads "click here and get 50% off red wide angle...
  2. Marc

    Chrome will block http-Content by February 2020

    If ya don't know it yet, Google's Chrome browser will block all http:// pages up to February 2020 in various steps. Particularly affected are the http:// subresources, which are loaded on https:// pages. Google calls them "mixed content" pages. Anyone who uses a mixture of these transmission...
  3. Barton_101

    Official Monetizus

    Barton_101 submitted a new resource: Monetizus - Universal Monetization Platform Read more about this resource...