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  1. A

    AdsVale Highest Paying CPM network

    AdsVale is an advertising platform and where advertisers can get quality traffic and publishers can earn bitcoins/Dollars by Monetizing their websites or blogs. Advertisers can deposit money via PayPal/Bitcoin While Publishers can withdraw their funds in PayPal/Payza/PerfectMoney/Bitcoin...
  2. S

    Need Free Banner Tracking

    Dear affiliatefix members I am currently in the starting face of my affiliate marketing career with the help of all the great members here. Now I want to start driving traffic to my landing page for desktop gaming offer some members here told me the start of with simple banner ads on buysellads...
  3. ishop6dotnet

    good advertise methods?

    hey just wondering wich advertise Campaign are the best now this days. due that mostly peope have adblocker on there browsers or should i go with mobile ads? Banner ads Redirect ads PopUp ads. Thanks