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adsense alternatives

  1. HilltopAds

    Achieving $2,000 to $3,000 monthly: a publisher's success story with HilltopAds' Popunder and VAST Video Ads

    We are excited to present a new practical case where one of our active publishers shares his experience working with the HilltopAds platform. In this short interview, he explains how he uses our platform to monetize a non-mainstream video site, shares his impressions of interacting with the top...
  2. Matheus Calixto

    AdSense Alternative

    Hello, I need an alternative site like adsense, responsive banners and paying for views and clicks. I need this site to accept small sites with a reasonable view. (Sorry for the english, it's google!)
  3. ramonjosegn

    Some alternative to adsense?

    Hi dears, I am looking for some alternative to adsense. CAN YOU HELP ME? I am using adsense only in one a website, but I like me works with some companies. I was working with another company for afilliates but but I lost all my profits from that company because of the new rules they imposed...