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  1. P

    Some Revenue from One Network

    Thank you so much, my friends. I have been with Peerfly for more than a couple of years although I am not currently promoting their offers due to some cashflow issues (that happened because of personal reasons) and PF pays Nett30. As for verticlas, I haven't really restricted myself to any and...
  2. P

    Some Revenue from One Network

    Thank you so much Sir!
  3. P

    Some Revenue from One Network

    Here's a quick summary of the amount paid to me from Peerfly: I''m not sure whether the image is getting inserted properly or not so I paste the link below too! :) Peerfly - pjayaswal's library
  4. P

    7K++/mo From Amazon

    Congratulations at the impressive performance! It would be useful to many if you try to outline the process/system you are following. Like what kind of niches or is it a single niche blog with many products on the same niche.... or the kind of keywords you prefer to target. I am assuming you...
  5. P

    My First Ever Campaign Conversion.

    Congratulations mate, great going! And the first one is always the sweetest!!! :) My suggestion would be not to think about TV or LI at this point. First try to master 50onRed as it is a decent traffic source with decent volume. Only after you have mastered one traffic source would it be...