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  1. Morticai

    What is a good traffic source to start with?

    Honestly the only “quality” traffic sources you are going to find are places that your target audience hangs out. So you have to ask yourself, what is my affiliate product that I’m promoting and who would be most interested in it. For example if a website is about automotive repair but your...
  2. Morticai

    Mobile setup VPS & CDN

    It really depends on which countries you plan on running traffic in. I've found that CDN's help with Teir 1 and sometimes Teir 2 geos, but I've actually had CDNs totally screw up my campaigns in countries such as Singapore and Thailand.
  3. Morticai

    India mobile offers

    Pretty much any Indian PPL offer is going to be around $.15 - $.50 max on average. If you are getting carrier traffic, I suggest trying some carrier billing offers since I've seen some pay as high as $1.50 per sub.
  4. Morticai

    Build Responsive Landing Page For FREE

    That's true up to a point. If you are missing data from using an older tracker then you are at a disadvantage. Far as a landing page builder, it really comes down to your skill set. By using Spy tools you can easily find competitors landers then simply make modifications to them. This also has...
  5. Morticai

    Build Responsive Landing Page For FREE

    For running CPA offers, especially if it's in teir 3 countries, you'll want to avoid using Wix. Yes, it may be "free" or cheap and easy to use. But the speed of your landing page / site will be so slow that your campaigns would take a serious hit in profitability. As @azgold mentioned, you're...
  6. Morticai

    How can i start Mobile marketing with $100 budget?

    If you are just starting out, then $100 is not even close enough to get you started. You would be better off starting with creating your own website and making content to create your own traffic. It's going to take work and a ton of time, but to succeed in this industry you need a large sum of...
  7. Morticai

    How to promote my gambling mobile app

    As many others have already mentioned some great strategies... It's going to come down to A) spying on your competitors and seeing where they are generating their traffic from and B) testing what works for you. There is no "best" traffic source as each one has their ups and downs.
  8. Morticai

    How to increase app download and review ?

    There are several great answers here. The main point is to find customers that are already interested in apps similar to yours. One option is advertising your app inside of your competitors apps & websites. Once you start to get a feel for the demographics of who has the highest value, you can...
  9. Morticai

    How long does buzzcity takes to approve a campaign

    Yeah they take a bit of time. It depends on where your ad rep is located. Most of my reps were from Thailand. If you start running heavy with them, though, you can eventually get on auto approval.
  10. Morticai

    Pin Submit

    This + 1 My suggestion is start with very targeted campaigns when first starting out, this will help you learn the ropes.
  11. Morticai

    What is a good traffic source to start with?

    Like content billing offers? Depending on the conversion flow of the offer, it's very unlikely that you'll be able to run it on Adwords. If you provide a bit more info however I may be able to help ya out.
  12. Morticai

    If you have woked with mobidea before , plz help me

    If a spy tool is to expensive for you, then you most likely don't have enough budget to really get into mobile. I'd recommend you have at least $3-5k to give you a long enough run way to crack it.
  13. Morticai

    Ask Me Anything Truth about mobile affiliate networks

    I'm not sure if he is still around or not but I figured I'd jump in here. I've personally had campaigns that were doing extremely well and my ad manager knew about it. A few days later all the traffic "dried up" yet I could see a new advertiser was getting all the traffic with my exact same...
  14. Morticai

    this is how to increase the CTR by redirecting.......

    Do you have an example of how you use this script? Are you using it as a timer that just redirects to the offer after a certain amount of time?
  15. Morticai

    How STARTAPP conversion rate for mobile apps ?

    They are really good for LATAM, haven't tested anything else on them.
  16. Morticai

    If you have woked with mobidea before , plz help me

    It really depends on your offer dude. Ask your affiliate manager for a good offer to start with. Then do a ton of research before running any traffic.... Use spy tools, and really think about who would be interested in your offer. Once you figure out who they are, think of places they spend...
  17. Morticai

    Why no conversions for carrier Airtel and Idea now?

    I highly suggest reaching out to your affiliate manager and ask if the offer still converts on those carriers. Also, ask for other Indian offers that you can split test with your traffic.... Unfornutally that is simply the nature of content billing offers, carriers go up and down all the time.
  18. Morticai

    Ask Me Anything Generating conversions from Mobile Traffic

    I know this question wasn't directed at me... But it sounds like you need to focus in on one method and stick with it. That is also true for choosing ONE traffic source and ONE offer type and sticking with it until you crack it. Popads, Popcash & Adcash all have traffic that converts with...
  19. Morticai

    Ask Me Anything Generating conversions from Mobile Traffic

    @sgm9 Yes, but it's very difficult and you won't find anyone who will tell you how publically. The reason is, the Adplexity dev team is very good at "breaking" scripts that try to hide from them... So talking about it will almost guarantee the method gets "patched".
  20. Morticai

    Best Mobile Traffic for CPI

    What kind of app installs are you trying to run? If it's game apps, then find apps & sites that would be relevant to your offer. Personally, my most successful app install campaigns have almost ALWAYS been on Google Adwords, creating very specific targeting campaigns. Running adult traffic to...