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  1. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    not really unfortunately! Have been swamped with upcoming exams at uni and I will probably be so next week as well:/
  2. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    Oke so I seem to have found a lander style that works for me to get clicks(!) But I'm not getting conversions. But no conversions. Maybe I'll have to split test the offer. I do know it converts from earlier tests. I could also just rotate 4-5 different offers from different networks and see...
  3. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    @ppcnewbie Yeah I used the affiliatefix lander. You could add your account manager on skype and ask about the bonus, maybe they'll be lenient. The $50 is a nice amount of free testing money for sure :)...
  4. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    First 3 landers were submitted to mobicow (I suddenly had a problem with 1 other lander). Kinda hard to get traffic, I was expecting to see at least a bit more volume (something like Since Adsbridge works in such a way that landers with different offers (even different order)...
  5. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    Edit: AdsBridge did count all the visitors!: Going to optimize my landing page server more, stick with AdsBridge and start my campaign with Mobicow :) First gonna hit the gym.
  6. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    @Prince.AdSenceMedia I think I actually already have an account, buy you guys used to only do incentive offers right? Well, adding Adsbridge didn't fix anything. It did 10% better than prosper but that's by far not good enough. got 100% of the traffic, while prosper got a little over 20%...
  7. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    Yet another testrun in which I will splittest my tracking. 1x $20 digitalocean plan to host my landing pages 1x $10 digitalocean plan for prosper202 1x Adsbridge free plan to compare results with 1x -> prosper202 link to see how much clicks are sent by the traffic source. Page loading...
  8. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    Still dealing with clickloss which really shouldn't happen by now. It's deff not my server which should be able to handle the pressure. Not sure exactly when the clicks are counted but could entry pops have something to do with it? It's the first JS that is loaded and the page keeps loading till...
  9. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    @Neo0707 I was using popads. Also going to do so for my next test, with this server setup my click loss should be a normal %! Let's see what happens :) Landers are HTML with some PHP elements (also JS & Jquery btw).
  10. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    Thanks for that T J! Fixed everything (I think). Server is now running on Nginx. Results of Nginx on the $5 digitalocean plan (spoiler: better than the $80 plan running apache) Time to get my LP's up and running again and submitting a campaign. Hopefully I can do it before tonight so I have...
  11. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    Guess it's going to be splittesting server configurations before I can run campaigns. ran a couple more clicks and splittested with so I could get another clicktracker's results. Popads: 363 views 268 views My server: 86 views. Deff the fault of my own server. Going to upgrade...
  12. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    I've been talking with my traffic source (great support by!) and they think it probably is my server. Going to upgrade it and test more traffic there. They gave me the advise to run some traffic through to my tracking link so I can see where the error is. Eager to find out...
  13. silverace

    Bank or Die - Mobile

    Will be following, I'm in somewhat of the same situation. Good luck! :)
  14. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    Contacted support of the traffic source on the large click loss issue, let's see what happens. In the mean time I filtered out some websites and devices that weren't clicking my LP. Got a couple more conversions. The real data though, when factoring in the click loss is pretty bad: Stoping...
  15. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    Thanks for that! I'm not yet with furthermobi btw, the clickloss is from the adnetwork to my LP's. Loading times could be the case, I'll see what happens if I splittest this LP with a lighter lander. I'll also run the pages through pingdom and see what happens :) Edit: Seems ok, I might...
  16. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    Already did a quick run to test whether or not my server etc are setup ok. Already got a conversion from mobile pops! nice! CTR is kinda horrible though, and the click discrepancy even worse. My network shows $5.48 spent for something like 1300 pops, making my CTR atrocious. I do think it...
  17. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    Thanks for the welcome @tjturtor! Looking at Odigger I saw some great offers at FurtherMobi. That resource thread doesn't look that great though, even being from europe (although their affpaying page looks fine). I still do have some older aff accounts at Peerfly, Adsimilis, Grabads and...
  18. silverace

    Restarting: the buildup follow along

    Hi everybody! Apart from this being somewhat of an introduction, this is going to be a follow along that will be somewhat a-typical in the beginning. First off: I'm someone who is re-entering the affiliate space after being active 3 years ago. I used to do PPV. I'm from the Netherlands (near...