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  1. ljads_jerrold

    cloaking system

    Absolutely, actually a fair majority if not all of the muscle and diet product ads you see on FB are cloaked. However cloaking has it's own risks associated with it. Since cloaking is against most ToS you run the risk of getting your accounts and funding sources banned, however on the flip side...
  2. ljads_jerrold

    LJ Ads

    LJAds Jerrold submitted a new resource: LJ Ads - We provide different advertisements in a wide range of fields for webmasters and their sites. Read more about this resource...
  3. ljads_jerrold

    A Couple Of Cool Affiliate Landers I Pulled Off Yahoo!

    1.) sign-in - Yahoo Advertising would be a good place to start. 2.) not sure on the minimum funding requirements they have, things may have changed. That link I gave you has a option for a sales manager to call you and discuss advertising.
  4. ljads_jerrold

    What was the first network you got paid from and how much was it?

    Copeac way back in 2007 :ninja: I beleive the first check I received was for $139.00. Then I was hooked. Been slinging pixels and digital goods ever since!
  5. ljads_jerrold

    Server blocking?

    You have to turn off Directory Browsing. If you have SSH access to your server then you'll need to go in and change the httpd.conf (provided you are using apache). First of all find where is the main apache’s config file httpd.conf is located. If you use Debian, it should be here...
  6. ljads_jerrold

    How fast can you type test!

    If you were to watch him type your brain would explode from the awesomeness you are witnessing.
  7. ljads_jerrold

    After FB's C&D Spree...

    Yes, you receive this if you have a business account and have ran an Ad before with them. I found the timing just odd since it was sent as soon as all the scraping tool sites were taken down, and there isn't any competition.
  8. ljads_jerrold

    After FB's C&D Spree...

    So after FB went on their rampage last week and issue a bazillion C&D's to app and tool developers to allow you to find your targeted audience. I found this quite ironic that I recieved this email from them this evening. Any thoughts on this, besides being udderly rediculous
  9. ljads_jerrold

    Should I or not ?

    Don't know man, K is a pretty sharp fella and if he thinks it's a bad decision, i'd take his advice closely under consideration. Plus in the end it's his site and has the final say so. And if he's already said he believes it would hurt community welfare here at AF then not sure what more there...
  10. ljads_jerrold

    There's Still Hope For Struggling Affiliates - My Story

    and what about that apartment... pretty swank!
  11. ljads_jerrold

    There's Still Hope For Struggling Affiliates - My Story

    Congrats to you man, this is what this business is all about.... (well besides the loud snoring porn watching neighbors) It's about success, and having a goal and achieving it no matter how large or small it may be... All goals are worthy of being achieved!
  12. ljads_jerrold

    Click to Call Offers!

    IKR @K I sure hope his comment was Super Loaded with Sarcasm!