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  1. J

    What Is Your Link Building Strategy?

    My link building strategy is building natural backlinks on forums, comments, discussions, blogs, social medias, writing articles relevant to your site. I never use automated link building as automated methods may be penalized by google. Also adding your site to internet directories relevant to...
  2. J

    Why your Google rankings drop and what you can do about it

    I nver update everything on my site in one go. I always do a bit by bit so the content is always fresh, because if you update everything and leave nothing tomorrow the crawlers will not come as often as it should to your site?
  3. J

    Meta Tags for SEO, CTR, and Browser Compatibility

    Using the correct meta tags help, but also make sure your site is W3 compliant so that makes your coding search engine friendly. If your coding aren't search engine friendly they find it hard to crawl your site and may also stop crawling your site?
  4. J

    Need help with SEO numbers - KeyWord Popularity vs Competing Pages?

    It's no use having #2 or even #1 ranking on google by searching with quotes, because when people do a real google search they don't use quotes?
  5. J

    Simple steps for image optimization

    alt tags, also keyword filenames and a lot of other ways
  6. J

    Please, Help. My webpage has been dropped off

    I think the best way is using trial and error rather than trying to figure out the algorithm for google, because that's impossible!!!
  7. J

    Best SEO Tool?

    Try google adwords keyword tool. You can google it?
  8. J

    NEW Google Place Search Changes the ENTIRE Local SEO & Organic SEO Game!

    Too many tags can be recognized as spamming keywords too many times on search engines. That's why I don't do any tags and I only put keywords into paragraphs so they don't look like spam to search engine bots.
  9. J

    Google Has BAD BBB Rating Due to Poor Customer Service

    I know google maybe arrogant, but google actually holds 80% of the market share in the search engine industry. This means me as a business owner I'll get 80% of the traffic from google and only 15% from yahoo, bing being the least of only 5%. So far only google has bring me more new clients than...
  10. J

    HTML Suggestions in Webmaster Tools

    It depends how often you update your contents, the more you update the more it wll crawl you site and therefore will update the webmaster tools more?
  11. J

    Help getting page ranking

    Even if you get the #1 ranking with quotes people 99% of the time don't type quotes for keywords
  12. J

    Google Simplifies Local Search Control

    I've found it very useful, because it provides location based searches. This means if your site is low ranked it's likely to appear if you are already in the top 10 rankings on google.
  13. J

    How Many Google Privacy Policies Are You Violating?

    It's better to always follow google's policy and guidelines rather than being sorry afterwards, because once google blacklist your site and you can never unblacklist it. The only way to get pass this is design a new website and get a new domain name which on average may cost more than $2400USD...
  14. J

    How to find keywords

    To find keywords you need to use google adwords keyword tool and can be found on the web. You want to research a term relevant to your site and the local searches are not too high or too low. eg, a keyword with 10,000 searches every month it's too competitive and wont do you any good and a...
  15. J

    Are "quotes" necessary for keyword "phrases" for accurate SERPs?

    Using quotes is limiting your market to the exact results only, when people searching the web about 90% of the time don't use quotes?
  16. J

    Yahoo! Search Now Powered by Bing

    Google was it's own search engine, later on yahoo partnered with google to use google's search engine algorithm. Then they split and now yahoo have it's own search engine algorithm. Bings is bing and owned by microsoft with it's proprietary search engine algorithm.
  17. J

    Too Many Dashes in Domain Name???

    To google is not spam, but to the client who is looking at your site may think it's spammy
  18. J

    Keywords disappear!

    Hi, I checked your friend's site on google using google blacklist checker and your friend's site has been blacklisted and banned from google, mean they obviously flagged you for something. I checked the on page keywords and the word metal coming out too many times in one paragraph and on the...
  19. J

    Free Traffic

    First you need to do some keywords research based on what your website is about so people can find you. Do some link building and posting on blogs and forums relevant to your website so search engines may index your site