Thank you T J Tutor, I appreciate the informative answer very much.
I know these methods and unfortunately they don't work with scripts like detect country or time, it only works with videos and stuff like this.
To be exact, what I need is for example a landing page that includes the following...
Thanks for the answer, the point is that I can't add a script to a Muse website and I wonder if its even possible.
The file I attached contains a zip file with a Muse website I made and a script for browser detection.
I would be happy if one of the fix guys can take the script I've attached and...
I've exported this little one text line website from Muse and I wonder if one of you guys can open it in an html editor and add some kind of a script to it. Like browser detection, or a timer, or calling the day.
Anything just to see if it works.
Download the file
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