GOT IT! FFufff:confused:.. that was hard to figure out alone... so this is how it goes on mac.
Assuming you've already created a Droplet in Digital ocean.You've been given an IP address, username and a temporary password in your mail.
First you got to go to Terminal, and follow this guide:
Is it really possible??
Bought a VPS from digital Ocean for 5$/mo, I guess that price means Unmanaged.
All I'm trying to do is just to connect to my VPS server with filezilla so I can simply drag & drop few landing pages to it. How hard can it be?? :( did I jump into a pool that is too big for a...
I read everywhere that I need VPS for my landers, it's much more expansive and I'd love to know why.
Also, do I really need a VPS for my 3,4 landers per offer, at first I'm not going to do a million clicks a month.
I Believe it'll be 10k/20k at most for now. Your opinions...
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