Having enough money and income to ensure a reasonable existence is the basis to find greater happiness. I don't think you can have one without the other. Never met a starving Guru on a mountaintop to convince me otherwise ✔️
That sort of defeats the purpose of using a e-chainsaw. But I would have to either chip the wood and brush or burn it --open burning is allowed here with a burn permit. But no, I do not burn wood for heat.
Yesterday, I was talking to a friend that commented that his snow plowing business...
Well, I bought a Greenworks 60V 16" Brushless Cordless Chainsaw that was on sale for $150 --winter special. I need to clear some of my property, getting overgrown, good winter workout too. In winters most the trees in back have no leafs. It's sort of slow cutting frozen wood. But the...
There are no human language traits of adroitness or sense of subtle truth made in parody in AI responses.
AI is still in the learning stages but AI's knowledge is increasing exponentially.
AI is a machine for now. From the thread topic --AI did not predict that we are destined to be in...
Well the HOA (Homeowners Association) will not like this at all --homes with front yard urban farming
But in South-Central LA survival is what matters --Welcome to Trumpistan
Since Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are Trump cronies I may be developing my, long withheld, adult broadcast DAO using smart contracts for transactions. This is if; there is a commonplace inclusion of the crypto exchange environment that expands to a be real merchantable alternative to VISA net...
To expensive to maintain a fleet and a surface to air defense. You need minions to tax to be a sovereign.
All Hail the New Emperor!
DRUMP says he will just pay off the National Debt with Bitcoin --I think he must have RFK Jr's brain worm now ...
Buy an EV --my little Nissan Leaf has been $0.05 USD a mile in 'fuel' costs charging at home (I pay $0.18 per kWh)--that 's the equivalent of $0.20 a mile in gasoline costs when driving my old Buick. If you fast charge here at a commercial public charging station --the cost would be $0.12 a mile...
Trump wants a world-wide imported goods tariff. This would include NAFTA counties also.
For US Americans: Tariffs increase the cost of goods.
Tariffs are applied like VAT or a COGS, in a consumer pricing model, in that tariffs are not a line item in a bill of sale --the tariff is a part of...
What they 'say' Trump has planned. With the Congress rubber-stamping and the SCOTUS affirming this could all happen here
They start trying to round up people after inauguration day.
The American voter, on a whole, is very simple minded.
First they vote with their Wallet of shopping list.
Wait until they see what the promised tariffs will do.
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