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  1. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    @azgold I never even thought about asking for a refund; so I did a little research and found out that there are many complaints of fake clicks and bot traffic. Facebook says it will do it's own investigation (the fox guarding the hen house) and reimburse if it finds any wrong doing. In other...
  2. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    I should make a correction to what I stated above. Regarding my pre-sale page using FB CTW (click to website). If I take into account 10 clicks were from countries I didn't target and 13 clicks were mobile (which I also didn't target). That really means I got 84 clicks (107-10-13) for .27...
  3. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    So I set up some more Facebook Ads. I had them run for 5 days at $5 a day each. Just trying to get a feel for Facebook and if it's something I should pursue to try and get Clickbank sales. I did 3 ads total. One to my article or pre-sell page. Another to my landing page; and another using...
  4. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    @azgold Silly me; I meant fingers :):) btw thanks for the words of encouragement! @Evan_Forsyth thanks for following along When it rains it pours! When I was putting everything together for a new campaign my computer died. And it died before I had a chance to upload the new article and...
  5. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    I shut down my old autoresponder and added a new 4 email autoresponder today. Hooked it up with all the tracking links from Clickmagick. I was able to use my same Facebook Lead Ad; I just had to change the link. Sometimes something which you would think would be simple, takes forever to...
  6. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    @azgold You are so right; I have to keep my eyes on the prize. Stay focused! I checked my subscribers today and I got 5. I thought not bad (since I have nothing else to compare it too). I went to AWeber to dig further and I see that I actually had 20 people sign up, but AWeber was requiring...
  7. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    Over the past few days I got caught up in 'shiny object syndrome'. Something caught my eye and became fixated with it. I was studying up on Facebook Lead Ads when I saw an ad for software that is suppose to get all the emails from Facebook pages and groups. I thought to myself I got to get...
  8. kralcx

    Journey With Instagram+Youtube+OGads To $100/DAY

    Massplanner stopped service a couple months ago; better try Followliker.
  9. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    @Gurpreet Dhillon Thanks for following I was using Landing Page Monkey yesterday to set up my landing page. I can make good landing pages with it particularly with a video background. However I had my heart set on a certain design; which I couldn't do with Landing Page Monkey. So I spent the...
  10. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    @here4themoney I really hope I'm able to help others; I want us all to be successful. I took several days for the holiday here in America, but I was back at it today. I finished all seven emails and loaded them into my autoresponder. Tested everything to make sure there were no problems. I...
  11. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    @Semangat45 Best of luck to you in your clickbank journey; cheers to the both of us. I spent many hours today trying to wrap my mind around ClickMagick. It is much more involved than I initially thought. I can see now see why some internet marketers do so much better than others; it's a...
  12. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    I've been off for a few days, but I was back at it today. I received the article from Natasha Nixon and customized it for my website. The page looks great with nice CTA (call to action) buttons on it. When I was in the middle of coding and optimizing images my computer shut down. Probably...
  13. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    @azgold Thank you for the kind words. I'm determined to succeed on this one! Didn't have much time today, but I did get a few things done. Got my home page indexed thru IndexKings, IMTalk, and GSA url redirect pro. Now I'm at the point where I have to open up my checkbook a little bit. I...
  14. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    Everything is coming along nicely. A little slow for my liking, but its a learning process. I have to keep reminding myself its a marathon not a sprint; being consistent is key. I got my home page looking good. Filled it out with some miscellaneous images and posts to make it look more...
  15. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    @Judecd23 Thanks; I plan on updating often (it'll keep me accountable :)) Once again I didn't get as much work done today as I would have liked. This time my Adobe Dreamweaver stopped working (it's a legit copy). I wound up having to uninstall all my Adobe programs, reboot, and then reinstall...
  16. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    Didn't get as much done today as I'd have liked; a little under the weather. However I got my 2000 plus word article today which I'll link to my home page. I found a nice article and needed it rewritten. I outsourced it to Natasha Nixon; I was very impressed with the service. I found one...
  17. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    @abele Thanks for the words of encouragement. I narrowed it down to one item to sell to start from Clickbank. That's not exactly true this particular vendor has 14 different products to sell all in the same niche. This should keep me busy. I love the fact this vendor has put a lot of effort...
  18. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    @Marc Thanks for following along. The RankXL method is based on quality articles; its not trying to trick Google. My email autoresponder will warm up the client as I move them along the funnel. If I was promoting a product using PPC I would send them directly to a landing page. If I'm...
  19. kralcx

    My Beginner's Journey on Clickbank

    I've been doing a lot of research and have come to the conclusion that throwing mud at the wall and seeing what sticks is not the best way to make money with Clickbank (or anything else for that matter); so I'm going to use a system. My initial thoughts were Bing PPC to Clickbank. I'm going to...