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  1. Trista

    Hire someone for Facebook?

    It would all depend on the circumstances in which people find themselves, both as far as their available time and the amount of income they're generating from the site(s) or business they are promoting. If they are social media savvy and enjoy updating their Facebook fan page(s) and...
  2. Trista

    Have You Had Success Using Tumblr to Promote Your Sites?

    Has anyone here been using Tumblr? If so what kind of results are you getting? Has it been helpful to get visitors to your Web site or blog? I have heard a lot about Tumblr, but I'm not familiar with it and I haven't used it so I'm curious to know what kind of results people are getting...
  3. Trista

    Freelance writing sites

    Yes, that's the problem with iWriter. It's great that you can start immediately, but you start out as a standard writer. The supply of work for standard writers is limited, and this makes it difficult to advance to premium and elite. And there is the $147 "fast track" option to get premium or...
  4. Trista

    Quality is the king!

    As for the effectiveness of article submissions these days, in my opinion, it should be avoided. Google algorithms are more and more sophisticated about these kinds of backlinks. I had said earlier in the thread that we don't know how much backlinking is too much backlinking. As time goes on...
  5. Trista

    Bloggers - What would you have done differently?

    If I reflect back upon what I would have done differently, I would have put more focus on authority sites and blogs. For a while, I went along with the "microniche" craze and I have a lot of exact match domains for various keywords. Collectively they all did pretty well back in the days when...
  6. Trista

    How Many Money Making Websites Do You Use?

    There's a fine line between diversifying and having multiple income streams versus being burned out from trying to be involved in too many ventures all at once. I know from experience that getting overextended backfires and you get very little return for the time spent. It's a matter of...
  7. Trista

    Is the some kind of internet police where we can report sites that don't pay?

    I agree. For now our best recourse may be to speak out. And, conversely, if we want to know if a business is reputable we should be on the lookout for such reviews. These days businesses of all sizes are affected by negative reviews and feedback, and if they are mindful and attentive...
  8. Trista

    Is it a good idea to create your own social networking site?

    If you were to start a social networking site these days, I think it should be approached as a business endeavor in and of itself, rather than a way to promote an existing site or business that you have. As such, I think it would be best to approach it as a business venture with long-term...
  9. Trista

    How to become successful with affiliate marketing?

    I agree. List building is important. People have said for years -- because it's true -- the money is in the list. But even beyond that, having a Web site or blog of engaging original content can be a very important part of your affiliate marketing strategy. You could write detailed and...
  10. Trista

    How Organized Are You At Your Money Making Ventures?

    Yes, that's the key. It's important to determine if the few cents add up to enough to be worth your time. The pay on PTC sites is not substantial, but it can be some extra cash here and there. But it's only worthwhile, in my view, if it does not detract from devoting time to ventures which...
  11. Trista

    Is the some kind of internet police where we can report sites that don't pay?

    Yes, I agree with what's been said here on this thread. The best thing to do is to spread the word. There are a variety of sites, depending on the particular niche. For instance, there is for online surveys. There is also which covers many programs from...
  12. Trista

    Beware of craigslist online job listings

    Yes, you really have to be careful with Craigslist. There are various scams. There are also MLMs and other biz opps with ads that are purposefully misleading, ofter posted in the customer service category and/or searchable with "telecommuting" or "telecommute" as a keyword. That said, there...
  13. Trista

    Wordpress Vs Blogger

    Blogger was quite a valuable resource in its early days, say around 10 years ago or so before WordPress came into existence. It was easy to set up a blog and you had the option of having it hosted for free. For those who were starting out and/or who had blogs built around their interests and...
  14. Trista

    Why Alexa Rating Is Not Reliable

    For the site owner, the Alexa data doesn't have much value for all the reasons others have stated on this thread. An inaccurate ranking of your site as compared to other sites is pretty much all that Alexa would offer you. That's not very useful. As far as the traffic that you're getting...
  15. Trista

    How do you conduct research on your niche Audience?

    Yes, is an excellent resource. Another helpful online resource that's very useful for researching is -- that's the Web site of the "For Dummies" series of books. The site is well organized and categorized and you can quickly get an idea of what the popular niches are as...
  16. Trista

    Article submissions

    Yes, at this point, article marketing is counterproductive. Mass submitting of articles even more so. Besides, the established article sites such as Ezine Articles no longer rank as well as they once did. It's much better to put those efforts into the strategies that are working today, in the...
  17. Trista

    Are your sites Mobile Friendly?

    My blogs have responsive themes. I also use the WPtouch plugin on one of my blogs. I really like the simple, straightforward mobile theme that this plugin generates. I think it's extremely important these days to have a mobile-ready site. As the OP pointed out, Google's algorithm factors in...
  18. Trista

    Forums or Social Networks?

    I greatly prefer forums. I have been reading and posting on forums for more than 10 years. When I first went online, visiting forums quickly became one of my favorite activities. That remains true to this day. I remember the rise of social media a few years ago and I was resistant to it at...
  19. Trista

    would you sell?

    Yes, great strategy! That is something I would consider doing, too. With niche blogging, this can be an especially good strategy to generate passive income. Hire top-notch content writers and perhaps someone to handle social media and other such marketing and keep the site going. Then later...
  20. Trista

    How to get more Facebook fans

    I agree. I have not used Facebook ads, but I have friends who have had tremendous success in getting thousands of fans by using Facebook ads. The advantage is that these fans are real people who have a genuine interest in your page. This is much different from buying "likes" on Fiverr and other...