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    22 ways to generate traffic to your blog

    I think this one is not necessary as the spiders of different SE's will find your site even if you will not submit your site to them.
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    How to increase more traffic to websites?

    Use the power of social bookmarking and social networking to increase traffic on your site. Lots of people now uses this method in order to promote their product and services and this technique is quiet effective.
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    Insider Secrets To Massive Clicks On Your Ads And Articles

    That is such a great tips in getting not only clicks but traffic to your site. Definitely people will visit your site just for curiosity of the title.
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    Google Penalties: A Must-Read

    Yeah, if you want your site safe then you must follow the Google rules.
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    What's with Google maps appearing at the top of organic search?

    Yes. I agree on you about this. Pagerank has little to do in your ranking. More people are still confused about this and misenterpret that pr has big impact in ranking.
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    Check back link

    If you want a tool that can easily check your backlinks, then try the searchstatus.
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    Video: Matt Cutts talks about duplicate content issues with product pages

    That's quiet interesting video. Short but direct-to-the-point answer.
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    Can anyone suggest a good marketplace to start out with?

    Try to use Commission Junction. It's also a good marketplace to promote your site.
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    Can You Place Adsense Below Your Post Titles?

    I think it's legal if we used this technique, to put the adsense ads below the title. As you see this google adsense heat map, there's a certain slot there in which adsense ads will be displayed (I'm talking in below the post, the red one in heat map 1). And besides, I've also seen lots of sites...
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    How to avoid being kicked out of AdSense

    Many adsense publishers are banned from adsense because of doing this. They think that they are safe if the other people will click their ads but sad for them because google expects this kind of act that's they track the activity of your site.
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    AdSense category filtering feature being developed

    That would be a great news from them. Hoping that it comes out soon.
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    3 Simple Affiliate PPC Keyword Conversion Tracking Options

    That sounds good for those who are using ppc. It's now the time to lessen the burden you have in doing ppc.
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    4 Url Shorteners You Should Never Use

    That's a good reminder to every one of us, Thanks dude for posting this one.
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    70 Free Landing Page Templates

    Thanks for sharing this templates Linda. I have to try this one.
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    Track Keyword Positions with BLVD Status

    That sounds another good tool to use. Thanks for sharing this tool.
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    Why your Google rankings drop and what you can do about it

    Great minstrel! Yes those are the possible reasons why ranking drops or suddenly drops.
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    What are your Adsense goals for 2009

    I'm targeting to reach $200 per month or higher.
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    Can You Place Adsense Below Your Post Titles?

    Can You Place Adsense Below Your Post Titles? Does it mean like this one? And i also did this for almost 2 years and google didn't warned me about that.
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    Best AdSense CTR. Which AdSense ad format works best?

    A banner type of ads works for me better. I put it at the top under the header.
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    How to avoid being kicked out of AdSense

    It's a good tips. Well, if you still follow the Google Adsense TOS, then you will be safe.