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  1. ppc coach

    Where do you live?

    I am Canadian!
  2. ppc coach

    What do you think about PPC-Coach?

    Thanks guys, Trameil Ellis, a lot of people didn't like the way I did it. I know that, that's all good though. I need to rework it again there's now 16 things to do in the first month. I'm bias as I own it, but I think it's a pretty good spot for newbies to get going with PPC. I've been...
  3. ppc coach

    Chris Farrell

    Thanks Skyrunner, I don't believe in hype and I call it like I see it. I personally don't like it when "gurus" show "income proof" as it's typically either completely faked OR stats from another project they did or their friends account. The "gurus" constantly blast that you can make money...
  4. ppc coach

    Best SEO Tool?

    Senuke is powerful but its not newbie friendly imho.
  5. ppc coach

    How Successful Have You Been Online?

    Good point James, list building is an excellent way to build a great income stream.
  6. ppc coach

    What to look for in clickbank

    Clickbank works very well for monetizing a list. They've got a ton of niches in there and some are very good converters.
  7. ppc coach

    Free Backlinking Tool

    Go to and hire someone for $3 per hour to do your backlinking. :)
  8. ppc coach

    Please, Help. My webpage has been dropped off

    I agree, it's just the Google Dance. Your site will be back, they're just redoing the results for that particular keyword right now.
  9. ppc coach

    Should You Use Spun Content?

    If you just want to spam the net with crap and think short term, then go for it. Long term sites need original content though. I don't spin anything as I'm more interested in long term success.
  10. ppc coach

    Chris Farrell

    Web business as in e-commerce? Affiliate marketing? Info product creation and selling? I guess I could just pay the $5.00 to find out.
  11. ppc coach

    Chris Farrell

    So I google'd him. I still dont' know what his site actually teaches. Is it teaching how to do membership sites?
  12. ppc coach

    Is The Affiliate Model Dead/Dying/Dinosaur?

    There's no way the affiliate model is going to die. How affiliates get offers may change as networks become very easy to open privately, but affiliates aren't going anywhere.
  13. ppc coach

    How Much Will Failure Actually Cost You!?

    The people who are most successful have failed the most. That's a fact.
  14. ppc coach

    Proven Make Money Online Tip For Today

    Nice tip. My favorite one is from Yoda and it's been used a million times but it's awesome: Do or Do Not, There Is No Try... :)
  15. ppc coach

    If You HAD to Start Over - What would you do Different???

    I would have formed more partnerships earlier. I think that's the one thing I regret. I never wanted to work with anyone else. I always wanted to just do whatever I wanted on my own without having to worry about getting the ok from a partner. I've since learned that I've missed several...
  16. ppc coach

    I?m a beginner, need some help!

    Lots of good advice but I've got a slightly different spin on this question: Set Your Goals Make A Plan To Reach Those Goals Get A Mentor or Coach To Help You Document Your Daily Triumphs/Failures & Plans For Tomorrow When I first started online, I was lucky enough to find a great mentor...
  17. ppc coach

    Learn the Basics of Affiliate Marketing from SugarRae

    Great post. We veterans forget how overwhelming it is sometimes for newbies. They have so many options and get so much conflicting information that no wonder most have information overload and can't get started because they can't find the starting line.
  18. ppc coach

    Wealthy Affiliate?

    I think they just raised their price to $97 per month recently. They say the offer 1on1 support, but not sure if that's true or not. I created my site because I had joined them a long long time ago and felt they were missing pay per click information. You get what you put into it though. :)
  19. ppc coach

    Questions to ask a merchant

    Ask them what their avg conversion rate is for each traffic type. Ask them how long they've been in business. Ask them how many affiliates they have at the moment. Ask them how often they will pay you. I'd make a list and use it to pick good programs only.
  20. ppc coach

    What is the best number of pages when starting out

    I think with quotes is the most accurate and then having a look at the top 3 sites and seeing if you can knock them out. Without quotes means every site that has the keywords in them somewhere, but not in the order you entered them. It's kind of useless information. Try intitle: and inurl: too.