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  1. MrGekko

    Official AdsBridge

    Hey! I have a questions about mobile traffic. Is this possible to identify user's carrier when he is connecting via wifi? Or in other words - can I make redirect rule, redirecting user by carrier, even though he is using wifi at the moment? Can you help me with that please? MrG
  2. MrGekko

    AdWords CASE STUDY with 1000% ROI

    Hey! Don't you think it's a bit unprofessional and hostile answer? I think it's his right to criticize or have doubts. And it doesn't mean he has to be a ninja or show his own results. And in my opinion this case study is useless for newbies. As you said earlier: And I don't see anything...
  3. MrGekko

    Official AdsBridge

    Thank you very much Alex! Now it's crystal clear for me :)
  4. MrGekko

    Official AdsBridge

    Thank you Alex for you answer. Just to be 100% sure: every time my landing page is shown to user as a popup, AdsBridge counts it as a visit. Am I right? Let's say I have 100$ daily budget and I pay 1$ for 1000 impressions of popups... So in tracker I will have 100.000 visits daily and 3mln...
  5. MrGekko

    Official AdsBridge

    @Alex_O99 I need some help choosing right plan and I hope you can help me with that :) Can you tell me how "visits" are counted? In particular according to pop traffic. Let's say I'm going to run massive mobile pop campaign. Does every showing of a pop up landing page is counted as a visit? I...
  6. MrGekko

    Any promos for mobile pop/redirect traffic source deposit?

    Thank you for your good intentions, but maybe somebody got something more specific :) Anybody?
  7. MrGekko

    Any promos for mobile pop/redirect traffic source deposit?

    Hello everybody! Does anybody has info about ongoing promo with any mobile redirect/pop traffic source? I'm looking for some +100%, 50% or at least 25% deposit bonus. I'm going to deposit 500-1500$ - depends on traffic source quality :) Thanks for any help! MrG
  8. MrGekko

    Best Tool For Creating Landing Page

    Pretty clean sometimes is not enough :) Especially when you're sending 10M+ users daily to your LP... It can make a difference. But ok, I have to agree - LP building tools have made a great progress. Not enough progress for me yet, but maybe enough for somebody else. For me the biggest...
  9. MrGekko

    Landing page necessary?

    Every answer to your question is a guess. Too many variables. Just split test and you will know for sure.
  10. MrGekko

    Best Tool For Creating Landing Page

    I know it's unpopular what I will say but... There are no better Landing Pages than these made by your own hands. No tool can give you such flexibility and freedom of creation. Also these tool are made to be easy in use, not to make lightweight, fast loading, best optimized websites. Your code...
  11. MrGekko

    # CloAkinG.. Good or Not ?

    Cloaking is like a dark side of the Force :) It is a very tempting, easy looking path to big profits. But definitely it's not as easy as it looks. It can make you filthy rich one day and bankrupt day after. I'm not talking only about loosing profits or accounts. Not only bans from networks...
  12. MrGekko

    512$ in 7 days. I feel blessed

    I would say it's normal thing if you've placed two kind of links: clean link and your referral link, so anybody can choose... instead you didn't inform that your link is referral so for me it looks like you're fishing
  13. MrGekko

    512$ in 7 days. I feel blessed

    And just another ref link... everywhere ref links... sorry, it just don't look too reliable for me. You want to show your success or just earn some commission? I think the clean link is
  14. MrGekko

    How to Download FREE Landing Pages.

    Great post. Also great and very powerful tool in right hands. But... ...for God's sake... you CAN'T say it's FREE. Even if you're XXXX$/day Super Power Affiliate, 150$ per month doesn't mean FREE. Let me repeat - you have to pay 150$/month to get these LPs, so it is not free. It is a really...
  15. MrGekko

    Review PropellerAds case study with mobile AV and review

    Thank you for your response, but that didnt answer my question. I know the general rules and risks of running non compliant LPs. I'd like to ask specifically about your case study, not about general rules. You've said you run this campaign on three traffic sources and you placed here a bunch...
  16. MrGekko

    Review PropellerAds case study with mobile AV and review

    Hey! I'd like to ask about you Landing Pages. All of them say: "You have very dangerous virus and it will destroy your phone". Also you said you've used Popads, Popcash and now you're using PropellerAds. Does it mean these traffic sources allow this type of Landing Pages? You can say to user...
  17. MrGekko

    How to choose the right mentor for a newbie in the affiliate marketing.

    Hey Tim! I think I wasn't precise enough. And what you wrote is exactly what I meant :) True professional won't promise you heaven on earth. But he must be able to EXACTLY define what you will get with his help. True professional will provide you suitable skillset and mindset - almost...
  18. MrGekko

    How to choose the right mentor for a newbie in the affiliate marketing.

    Great post! I'm not sure if you're aware of a fact, that your points describe almost all of available courses, mentorships etc. I'm sure most of you know the phrase: "selling shovels in a gold rush". That's what is happening in AM world right now. There are so many mentors. Every one of them is...
  19. MrGekko

    7 Figure Mobile CPA Guide (Download Free)

    I'm sorry, maybe I'm missing sth, but I've read this guide twice and I can see only two things: a. some obvious, general advices I can find in 5 minutes here or in google b. Not too subtle incentives to sign into paid service IS this really the only point of publishing "free" guides here, on...
  20. MrGekko


    @T J Tutor Thank you for such complete and detailed advices. For now I am a bit overwhelmed by number of premium, excellent knowledge on forum. Many days and nights of reading I have an impression there is answer for every possible newbie question